When you empty someone’s asshole using a tube, much like a gutter.
“Abigail says she wants to get ‘gutter toyed’”
When h have no fuck partner so u buy sex toy online
No I will not fuck my sex toy today
Chez-Toi pronounced as (Shatoy). House of Toi ; Your House/Home. Chez-Toi is a person that is loyal, spiritual and envied. She is the center of attention. She is divinely made beautiful. A real honest person, a blessed person. She does not wait to speak she grants who speaks. She is a leader. She is a advocator. She is feminine in all it’s glory. She is the creator and maker of her home. She is the ruler of her house. She will smack a bitch about hers.
Have you been to Chez-Toi I heard it’s lit. That’s so Chez-Toi of you! Chez-Toi is that girl!
a action figure that 7-Ball, TV, Paint Bucket, Apple, and Lil Nas X compete for, hosted by Locker
Locker: Hey guys, I have a Fortnite Toy
7-Ball: Wow, I really wanna battle for that Fortnite Toy, Fortnite Toy, Fortnite Toy, that Fortnite Toy is amazing, Fortnite Toy, Fortnite Toy, Fortnite Toy,
Locker: Battle For Fortnite Toy Nununununu, Battle For Fortnite Toy Nununununu
A human who has been degraded by society for being too full of edamame; also known as an eDamame's boy; this degraded human is used by women and men alike to plow so that the soy boy becomes a plaything for the benefit of the more dominant. This evolved human is also known as a Chad dad or a barren Karen. Though many will use these boys many still will marry them and find an enriched life full of splendor.
What kind of men are you interested in? A man that eats his vegetables and slams this punani every night. You know, like a soy boy boy toy.
T.O.Y.S.M.D. is an acronym thats losers get on their personalized license plates for their shit box's.
They want people who read it to think they're toy repairman or a Mechanic. Toys are referred to as a cool car, motorcycles, boats etc amongst adult losers.
Stands for: Thinking Of You Sucking My Dick.... TOYSMD.
TOYS MD means that I am a shallow ugly loser and want to feel like I'm superior everyone. I got TOYSMD on my plates so when I cut someone off they see it and I think it. Think of you sucking my dick.
any of several tropical and subtropical treelike herbs of the genus Musa having a terminal crown of large entire leaves and usually bearing hanging clusters of elongated fruits.
MICHAEL STERLING SEX TOY is a banana that he will shove up his ass until he starts to bleed