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Ur Mom

Ur mom get recked by the rizzler from ohio 69 haahaahahahaahhahahh so funnyyy!!

Ur mom
Dies instantly*

by Sly The Stupid November 18, 2023

Ur mom

Legit the words you hear atleast once everyday in a middle school

Ean: I had tacos last night

Ivan: I had ur mom last night

by Jaye Leo May 13, 2022

Ur mom

Ur mom:A comeback to basically anything,an insult to your female guardian/parental figure

Michael:I hate basketball
Carl:I hate your mom
Bully:your ugly
Carl:ur mom

by Idk was taken January 20, 2022

Ur mom

Ur mom is gay

person: ur mom is gay

me: 😃

by ur mom is a gay fuck May 4, 2022

Ur mom

A way to annoy someone or to win any argument

"ur ugly"
"no u"
"reverse card"
"Oh well... Ur mom"

by Djwkgkkewlsllglwow October 24, 2019

Ur mom

Valid roast😍✊use when someone says anything really(stay slutty my friends)

E.g “omg what is the thing dripping” youd say…”your mom”

by A.R iyk me then yk me January 20, 2022

ur mom

a mysterious entity that seems to have done everything and has literally every trait imaginable, avoid at all costs

ur mom is commonly seen:
-banging someone
-being obese
-having the big gay
-being hot
-disowning you
-literally anything else you can imagine