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stomach gettin on fat fat

When yo think yo ass is fine but you really gainin weight like a fucking freight train.

Friend 1: You needa find you a man!
Friend 2: Girl, I can't. I know I'm fine but damn!
Friend 1: You betta find you a man that likes you for you cause yo stomach gettin on fat fat.

by pseudonym1100098 June 4, 2017

flank fat

fat covering area of the lower back below the rib-cage and down to the iliac crest

Even though I eat right and exercise, I can't seem to lose this unsightly flank fat.

by pcb006 January 26, 2017

Finger fat

When a fat chick gets engaged but you can’t see her ring because her Finger fat covers it.

Yo, Did you see fat Bertha got engaged? Yea, she showed me her ring,but I could not see it because her Finger fat covered it.

by R E Dean July 28, 2018

Fat stream

A girl with a heavy flow during her period

That girl from mean girl with a heavy flow and a wide set vagina is a fat stream

by Gadhkyv October 26, 2016

Kamelo's fat ass

Used to describe someones huge anus

"Kamelo's fat ass"

by Kamelowastaken October 9, 2021

Fat Top

A Person Having A Fat Stomach To The Point It Looks Like The Top Of A Mountain.

"Shut up bum you look like a Fat Top"

by Timmy McTimmson July 9, 2023

Fat raneek

Fat racist nerd geek

Anything4views is a fat raneek

by Kill all incels2030 January 3, 2021