A word that salty white boys are complaining about on urban dictionary because they can't use it. Rather than creating a word that black people cant use to even the odds.
White dude: why can't I use the n-word
Black dude: it's derived from nigger
White dude: but u guys can use it. So why can't use it around my friends
Black dude: are ur friends ur saying it to black
White dude: no
Black dude: Well okay it doesn't make sense but you can do what u want
White dude: hell yeah
5 minutes later
White dude: Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga Nigga
Black Savages: the f*** you say white boy
White dude: uhh
Honestly I don't care if white people say it . Just say it within reason. I think some black people who don't like white people saying probably fear that they'll say it too much. And if ur gonna use an excuse to say nigga as a white person dont use the dividing races bullshit, cause then u should be against the word being used at all
A word used by all rappers and sick cunts
MY crew is big and it keeps getting bigger thats cuz Jesus christ is ma NIGGA.
A racial slur for an extreme black person from Africa or Portugal
Hey Pedro
Ur such a Nigga
Thanks bro
the most used word in rap songs these days.
i wanted to listen Ybn Nahmir bounce out with that clean in front of my family but most of the song was bleeped our became all it says is nigga
something ut fellas, homies and friends call each other as a friendly thing to do. It makes them happy. If your white, call your black friends this/.
i love ur oufit nigga.
Your so fucking hot, i want you inside of me nigga.