The Maze Game, also known as The Scary Maze Game, is a game where the player must use their mouse to navigate a red block to the end of the level without touching the walls.
There are three levels; the first two are easy, and the third one is nearly impossible...but are you sure you want to see what happens when you finally beat it?
The Maze Game has spawned a meme where a guy breaks his computer after being absolutely terrified of what happens when you beat the third level. That's how scary it is.
Walmart game is a game where you go in a Walmart and buy the three creepiest items you can find.
Let's go play the Walmart game
A Game where you have to avoid your car from crashing because of a donkey.
The IBM PC comes with Donkey (Racing Game).
Hop on >insert game here< is a trend in urban dictionary. The definitions of "Hop on >insert game here<" usually about some weird sexual act.
hop on sea of thieves: slang for wanting to have rough anal sex while cosplaying as pirates.
Hop on >insert game here< (urbdic said should include the word being defined)
A guy raging a game on uno. A real life game. Example names people rage a game of uno
Dude William is Raging a game of uno. He flew the cards and flipped the table.
The NBA All Star game did come to the city a few years ago without the legislation they were trying to push getting passed, so what they're saying about the city losing it was bullshit.
When your opponent is running away from you in a first person shooter, and you get to kill them, because they can't fire back.
Bert: "Omg I got him, that's what I call hurting gaming"
Josephine: "Nice bro"