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Type yor definition here...

Type an example of how it's used in a sentence... word

by Cooool guy April 24, 2019


1: A combination of letters to represent another meaning. It builds up a sentence (but can be used on its own) and usually shown boldly with "".

2: A signal, code, or command.

3: A way of choosing words for a sentence.

1: That's a lot of words in a sentence.
2: He gave me the word to enter that vault.
3: They worded their sentence in a terrible way.

by yingandyang69 October 4, 2023


A word is a word

Hi is a word

by Sonny Dickson May 8, 2018


Type your definition here...

Type an example of how your word is used in a sentence...

by LifeIsBoring42069 January 13, 2021


His words they fall upon me
Like a warm gentle breeze
fire they light inside my soul

I feel his energy

Apart for what seems forever

He’s still a part of me
Can always tell when on his mind
Mmm love that energy

Love so fierce I can’t deny
It’s for eternity

Words I want to say but my damn phone won’t let me

by That 1girl June 24, 2024

9👍 34👎


im gangsta

damn that guy is so word

by glizzy_gulper August 11, 2022


what it tells you to type when you make this

Type "Word"

by smertieboi 2.0 February 22, 2019