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Down Bad

Instead of going out and hanging with your friends on a Saturday night, you stay in and help organize your girlfriends shoe closet.

Jack: Hey, what did Skye do last night?

Bill: He helped organize Samantha's shoe closet. Talk about being down bad.

Jack: Jesus Christ...

by leggs January 4, 2023

Down Bad

Removing one of the most successful managers in the game of football because of playstyle issues and then getting the same style manager who is worse.

AKA Levy master class.

Spurs are down bad they sacked Mourinho for Nuno.

by BigTowelGuy June 30, 2021

down bad

Justin Steinwand pre-paddy

What's the definition for down bad? Justin Steinwand pre-paddy

by OGdatim July 28, 2022

Down Bad

jay when female

jay is down bad for ____.

by veryaccuratedictionary January 23, 2024

cabron down

When you banter with a bro about your sisters or other derogatory topics generally made for hilarity and one makes a replay that cannot be answer in a position of advantage. The one how’s turn it is to banter is in a cabron down, like check mate in chess. It is usually said by the bro that is in advantage after a pause in the banter.

Bro1: - "Yo, you look like toxic masculinity."
Bro2: - "Yeah? Well you should look in your sister's ass to see toxic masculinity."
Bro1: - "Why? Who's did you find in your's"
Bro2: - "..."
Bro1: - "Cabron down!"

by Radonis July 26, 2022

Upside down Sugarplum

When a person enters a handstand and hot sauce is squirted onto the said person and is then slapped in the ass with mayonnaise and covered in brown sugar, while giving oral satisfaction(iykyk)

Ay bro! I’m boutta give you an upside down sugarplum, bitch!”

by Massiveimnotlying May 25, 2022

Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!

Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!

RHM: "Let's go! we won the match, we're actually the best trio fr"
Nae Nae: "Another day, another victory for the ogs, taking down the sweats, the imposter in among us!
Ollie Mollie: ...ok buddy

by Ray H. M. November 21, 2023