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Burrito Jizz

The melted sour cream that comes out of your burrito from either the top or bottom.

Ewwww Burrito Jizz*wipes hand off*

by The only real ninja here February 19, 2010

jizz brow

When someone receives ejaculation on the forehead above the brow.

Jen refused anal so I shot her a jizz brow.

by Lodonkulous May 12, 2018

Sniper jizz

Unexpected and from across the room


Person 2: You've been sniped.

Person 1:Dude I told you not to use your sniper jizz on me!

by chupe13 July 3, 2010

Take a jizz

A term to use for masturbating.

I have to go take a jizz.

by Joseph smith123 December 15, 2017

jizz shart

A "jizz shart" is the after math of letting your partner finish inside you during anal. After anal sex, you will literally shart out the jizz.

Example: "Me and Eric had anal last night and he came in my ass. Shortly after, I kept jizz sharting."

"Me and Eric had anal last night and he came in my ass. Shortly after, I kept jizz sharting."

"I hate how after anal, you jizz shart."

by dirtydan87 October 20, 2014

Jizz pool

A small ammount of semen that forms a pool in ones navel. Common practice amongst navel fethishists. One can be made easily by masturbating while laying down.

Dude, this chick I was banging last night had a super sexy belly button. So when I pulled out, I gave her a jizz pool.

by £low January 10, 2014

jizz station

That moment when you’re about to climax and you go into the position consisting of toe curling and twitching whilst on the point of ejaculation

Ronnie: Kevin stop licking my asshole, i’m about to enter the jizz station!
Kevin: Sorry Ronald, we can move onto something else. I want this to go on for a while.

by Ronnie Singh April 18, 2020