Source Code


kill your self

bro just kys

by pigeonnnoooo September 22, 2023


Keep Yourself Safe

"Oh so you're a furry now? KYS NOW!"

by Ohio Joe(SOME GUY) January 24, 2023


Kys is also short for "know your siblings", or even "keep yourself safe".

person1: "how did you not realise that your brother overslept? You should kys!" (example 1)

person1: "I'm not feeling very well."
person2: "Awh, that sucks. Kys!"

by blueuzi February 12, 2024


Kill yourself (KYS)

Tom: I'm going to play Runescape!

Nick: Kid, KYS..

by <|:D November 12, 2017


When some one makes me mad I'll be like kys which means kill yourself

Lilly- "I'm soooo hot"

Me- Kys hoe

by Nsnsjsjwudhebd October 19, 2021


-kys in sports games or fps games often used in short for "keep your score" when worse players try to complain about your own gameplay.

"you're terrible you only have 3 kills"

"You have none dude how about you kys before you worry about mine"

by Gaming terminology May 27, 2022


Kys the insult of kill yourself

Guy1 yo I shaged ur nan bruv. Guy2 wtf kys.

by The British fuck next door December 8, 2019