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top lip

When you spent money on something you didn't intend to buy, your top lip extends beyond your bottom lip.

After work my girl asked to stop for a drink, on her, when the bill comes she says she forgot my wallet so I top lipped and paid.

by BobaFett February 26, 2015

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take no lip

To refuse to fancy one's interlocutor by not accepting to listen to or be interested in the bullshit protruding from his or her pie-hole.

My boss just walked his ass up the stairs to come and order me to create another dumb ass powerpoint presentation and I informed him that I ain't gonna take no lip today!

by c_c_casper October 14, 2014

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Twizzlers lips

Twizzlers lips are formed when a man or woman has either injections or plastic implants placed in their lips. Which ends up creating a very unnatural Twizzlers-like shape to their lips. The Twizzlers candy has a bumpy, odd shape to them; which is exactly what Lip Enhancements ((always)) end up making that persons lips look like.

I noticed Mila Kunis went with the Twizzlers lips look. That is like pouring SH*T all over the Mona lisa... Lip implants NEVER look real and ALWAYS look stupid! I miss the Hot Mila Kunis!

by the2ndflood July 28, 2008

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lips are flappin

When somebody can't stop talking

Ya Ya she is awake her lips are flappin

by slk1 November 12, 2009

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*bites lip*

when you squint your eyes raise your eyebrows and bite your lip

person: *bites lip*
another one: your so sexy aha *bites lip*

by julietyourlocalrat April 19, 2021

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Nigger lip

When you pass your vape or water bottle to a homie and he gobbles the mouth piece or bottle cap down like it's a hot dog competition

Kid #1 :yo pass me your vape bro

Kid #2 : fine but don't nigger lip it this time

Kid #1 : fine I wont nigger lip it sorry for that my homie

by ANAL Bible thumping December 28, 2022

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Flaming Lips

*A kick-ass band.

*A women having PMS.

*Burning lips.

"What? They call the labias lips."

by Dave October 19, 2004

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