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office homo

Every office has an office homo. Its one of those perverse rules of nature. If you think you dont have an office homo, or are unsure who the office homo is, its you. Office homos behave like every other kind of homo - just in an office setting.
Some offices have, briefly, more than one office homo at a time. After a short period of over-exuberant comparisons of hair product and favourite Madonna songs, a nasty fight will ensue with an explosion of malicious office gossip, posturing, weeping and tearful accusations. Only the strongest office homo will remain - the other(s) will either make an ignominious departure, or go straight.

"That bloke is talking about Kylie Minogue again."
"Yeah, he's the office homo."

by Sniggalips September 8, 2006

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naval officer

A slang term for semen.

Semen ~ Sea Man ~ Oceanic, Naval Man ~ Naval Officer

Woah, girl, is that some naval officer on your shirt?

by Jeremy April 18, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

office nigger

Ethnic slur for Caucasian, white collar types. Especially those who commit white collar crimes, or invade helpless countries.

That office nigger Dick Cheney be gettin all those mother fuckin' no bid contracts.

by thatdamngoat July 8, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

correctional officer

1.n. A man who is not capable of becoming a real officer so ends up becoming an over rated babysiter.He is happy when at his work and sets his work befor his family. Word that can also describe used to describe, pussy, has been, coulda' been, bitch, lier, and asshole.

Inmate1:Hey wheres Correctional officer Buday?
Inmate2:Oh that bitch hes negleting his family.
Both together:Ohhhh...

by Digiboy October 17, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž

office snatch

A female coworker specializing in all things persnickety. Things like sitting in warm chairs displease her and you might as well kill yourself if you leave her off a meeting invite. She never forgets. She's also the source and spreader of office rumors and the first to tattle on anyone. This chick is cold, literally. She's constantly whining about being cold and turns up the thermostat to the displeasure of all of her fellow coworkers.

She may or may not be pregnant. But, you don't dare ask.

If that rumor spreading, office snatch brings another fucking blanket to a meeting I'm going to rip it out of her feeble hands and choke her.

Fucking office snatch is bitching about sitting in warm chairs again. Are we fucking dead? Should I kill myself about 10 minutes prior to our meeting time so she can remove my cold, lifeless body in hopes for coolness for her fatty, worthless ass?

This shit talking, office snatch needs to cool her jets and quit acting like she's better than everybody before I get in her grill.

by peacefulstreamsinyoface August 12, 2011

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officer treebody'd

when you get searchd by a cop , and he finds everything in your pocket but your weed, then the cop decideds to search you again because your friend has had somthing found in there pocket, you get screwd over outa the weed you were sure you could go home and gloat about. and the officer gets to smoke ur trees and get 'officer treebody'd while you wonder how your gonna spill the beans to ur parents about how you got a possesion of a controlled substance charge.

I was shure that I was gonna be hitting the bong later until officer treebody came along and ruind my day. hes probably munchin on donuts right now that was some good kush hes probably so officer treebody'd .

by levi loves apples November 1, 2011

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office shaman

like any great shaman, the office shaman is the guy with the vision ...but that's all he has to offer..the vision. the end result of what he wants and so desires. 75% of the time, his vision is pure genious, the other 25% of the time it's a wreck, but for that batting avg, everyone respects him. The problem with the shaman, like I said is they offer no path, no solution on how to achieve their vision which creates angst among his followers. The shaman is the one who coined the office phrase "figure it out", from which the other office phrase "WTF" orginated from. The office placebo's ultimate goal is to become a shaman, but it will never happen, cause like I said the office placebo is a complete fraud, does nothing and certainly could not come up with a vision.

Jackson: Wow, that was unbelievable ... I'm so charged up and excited as well as completely dumbfounded at the same time.
Murphy: I know, everytime I listen to Stefan, the office shaman, I feel the same way. The man is genius, but how the hell are we going to reduce expenses by 40% next month without doing away with our bagel friday's that everyone lives for.

by lastgreatnobody March 28, 2009

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