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semi homophobic

Homophobic but to one person at a time.

Dude 1: Man I'm so semi homophobic
Dude 2: Bro I'm gay...
Dude 1: Don't worry, I'm just scared of Dude 3 right now.
Dude 3: bro wtf

by r8gju7ky9mjjhgh November 10, 2022

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Semi bricked

When you have a boner but it doesn’t go up it just gets longer.

Jenny made me have a semi bricked dick

by Marrymariana October 4, 2023

semi-conductor breath

Its when a guys breath smells so bad because he did not brush his teeth from last nights Dirty Sanchez he received.

Hey Semi-Conductor Breath, You ever hear of something called toothpaste!!!

by Professor Benoit Mandelbrot October 3, 2017


attracted to online of the same sex while only attracted to the opposite online

or the other way around

Man: "I watch online gay porn but I still like women"
Man 2: "what the fuck does that mean?"
Man: "it means I am semi-gay"

by randomhermit11 June 9, 2023

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The appropriate term when elementary school boys start dry humping eachother at an certain particular age.

Buddy: I remember when i was in elementary school, me and my friends used to hump eachtother with clothes on.
Me: That's semi-gay man.

by Russy Pecker April 30, 2018

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A sexuality where someone experiences homophilic sexual and romantic attraction but also qualifies as being on the asexual/greysexual and/or aromantic/greyromantic spectrums.

I label my sexuality as semi-gay, which means I feel attracted to people of the same sex/gender, but I also feel asexual/aromantic.

by Jeppesper March 22, 2024


A Semi-Fuck is something you use to recover from saying Fuck. This can be used in various ways.

"Bro she curved me"
"Fuck man... that sucks.."
"But i got together with her sister bro"
"Semi-Fuck bro thats fucked"

by Justindustinrustin September 10, 2019