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Arkansas Spray Tan

1. When someone farts in your face when you bend down to pickup something from the floor.

2. When showering with someone else who farts when you bend down to pickup the soap.
3. When your significant other notices the backside of your underwear are discolored.

I don’t know if I want to shower with you again after the Arkansas spray tan you gave me the last time.
I thought our relationship was going great until you decided it would be funny to give me an Arkansas spray tan.
See, this is why I won’t do your laundry… it’s just gross when you give your skivvies an Arkansas Spray Tan.

by November 23, 2024

spray-tan dump

When you ask your girlfriend who has cheated on you with 4 or 5 guys, and has admitted to eating two of her ex's assholes, to have anal sex, and you stand on the bed and piss on her, dump her, and taze her with a 1,000,000 volt from cabela's in the back, pre-emptively, and file a restraining order against her.

I spray-tan dumped Kimberly last night because I found out from one of the guys on the baseball team that she did a tug-brothers with Nick and Paulie.

by thechri5 March 2, 2019

Fl man pepper spray

This occurs when you become contaminated with bear spray and you come home to have sex with your partner. within 5 min of fucking, you both sweat and reactivate the chemical agent. Now you and you partner's genitals are burning like hellfire due to the lack of patience of waiting for the agent to wash off.

"yea I fucked up trying to run from dog the bounty hunter.now my gf not talking to me because I gave her the fl man pepper spray.

by PABLO.ESC0 October 16, 2022

gooci nut spray

a scented coat you apply to your nuts, it cums in a small bottle

put on gooci nut spray for a lavender balls smell

by Hottie55 June 8, 2021

Spray can

When you give your having sexual intercourse with your partner and you finish all over them covering their body like a spray can

Louis:Last night I gave Alice the spray can.
Harvey:really your crazy bro

by JustCallMeL;) April 13, 2020


(Verb) Pre-spraying is when someone knows that they are about to take a massive shit, like a bomb; a volcano; the big one, so they spray air freshener before hand so they don't have to bare the stank and/or so they don't have to spray as much air freshener to rid of the stank afterwards.

I had Taco Bell last night, so I pre-sprayed the bathroom before I shat because I knew dat shit was goin to stank.

by OGMacMaster055 March 25, 2016

spray can rebuild

Painting an engine with a spray can and installing it in a vehicle(without rebuilding it) with the expectation that it will perform well.

I didn't feel like tearing my engine down to refresh it. So a couple cans of spray paint will make this spray can rebuild last for years of abuse.

by Engine Machinist March 25, 2017