when you are so disappointed that you can’t spell right
“ Im so disapoi ted” - Langley0108 3/19 3:24 PM
- noun
1. the greatest turnaround on the grandest of scales.
2. a plot that nuclearly explodes in the assailants face; the victim being the bombardier of that bomb.
Putting laxatives in the other canidates water and accidentally ending up drinking that water because that candiate switched them. Then shitting all over your trousers on national television on CNN. Ol' Ted Turneranoud happens the worlds know about it.
A bear that is called Ted. Often assosiated with Sex And Weed.
Ted King's taking on the role of Senator Bartlett, from soap operas to political dramas, he's ruling the screen.
Example of how it's used in a sentence:
Person 1: Who's playing that Senator in Oppenheimer?
Person 2: That's Ted King as Senator Bartlett, man, from soaps to the senate!