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Nuclearly pwned

Whe you are being beaten so badly, and you have a 30% chance or less at still winning, you could sometimes scream this.

Clan 1: oooooommggggg guys we are getting nuclearly pwned to shit. we might as well quit.

Clan 2: hell yeah guys we got these bitches! lol noobs

by Charlie kempf March 24, 2008

3👍 1👎


When something contains nuclear uranium, especially from Japan.

AZN 1: Dude this sushi tasts like $#!+

AZN 2: Yo this cheff must've put nuclearly charged dog in this hand roll!

AZN Sushi Cheff: I speaka' de Engrish very gewd!

by look out your window! March 13, 2011