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French Thank You

Having intercourse with someone within 48 hours of meeting them.

She gave him the French thank you this weekend

by Paul Phinebaum February 26, 2023

thank yow

When Jamie is jet-lagged and can't spell words correctly.

Dude stop thank yow.

by Jamie'sBFF August 14, 2014

Thanks mrs goucher

A phrase you say when someone trying to be helpful fails miserably

Assistant teacher: just clarifying, you simplify number five then factor?
Teacher: no, you factor, THEN simplify. Stop asking stupid questions, you're not being helpful
Students (in unison): THANKS MRS GOUCHER!

by Benjafo March 6, 2017

thank yoos

A way of saying 'thank you' in plural context.

Parent: can you guys do your chores today?
Children: sure

Parent: Thank yoos

by Cyclone March 10, 2017

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

It's used when you say something important but that not many people consider or even think about.

thomas sharpe from crimson peak is one of tom hiddleston’s best characters please appreciate him and thanks for coming to my ted talk

by Linient May 31, 2018

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk

Originally, this is what people used to say after giving a long, nonprofit speech or lecture devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of powerful talks given at the main TED (technology, entertainment and design) annual event or one of its many satellite events around the world.

By 2015, This phrase then got broken down and used whenever people finished typing up an extensively long social media post.

Then, after like, 2018, this phrase got even more deteriorated (mainly by Gen Z or Gen X trying to sound like Gen Z) to the point that people now say it after saying a sentence, or, even worse, a sentence fragment because they think they’re being funny.

My boss kinda pisses me off. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk LOL I’m hilarious, time to go on social media for the next 7 hours.

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 7, 2023

a Brandy thank you

To compensate a male for a kind act with oral sex.

When her car broke down on the way home, a guy stopped and gave her a jump. Brandy thanked him with a blowjob.

I didn't have any money to tip the driver and he was cute enough so I gave him a Brandy thank you.

by Lauram_Ipsum November 21, 2024