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Five Minute Girl

-A girl that you can talk to for five minutes or less, and already have her agreeing to sleep with you.

Shawn: Hey Phillip, did you hear about that girl Anne? She's totally a five minute girl.
Phillip: She can't be as good as Lindsey, it took me only ten seconds to get in her pants.

by unconquerable13 December 22, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

13 Minute Flauta

Boning a chick after putting flautas in the oven and setting the timer for 13 minutes. You finish just in time to enjoy your flautas.

It was Mexican food night and I was so hungry and so horny I gave my girl a 13 minute flauta, finished off by giving her a C.J. Browning and enjoyed my flautas.

by PuedesDucharlo April 9, 2010

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Five Minute Party

A type of event which only lasts for 5 minutes, invented by CEM Bugra of Istanbul, Turkey.

A Five Minute Party can be held to celebrate an achievement, such as publishing something or finishing a project, or to create energy on an otherwise dull day.

A Five Minute Party is typically held in the mid-afternoon.

It involves music, dancing, and a bunch of people screaming and/or cheering. Alcohol is optional. Plugging your iPod into your car radio is also optional.

Venue can be anywhere, but using a garage is preferred as it gives a more original feeling (a feeling sometimes confused with awkwardness).

Henrik: We've finally just published the reports
Fred: What?
Henrik: The reports of the project we started like a million moons ago
Cem: This calls for a Five Minute Party! Everyone down to the garage

by Almighty R May 12, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

7 minutes in heaven

An american kissing game,,, where you sit in a circle and spin the bottle. The two people in lands on, go out of the room, into a room alone. And spend seven minutes together,, mostly to do sexual things. But most common is just kissing. They then go back into the room, never to disclose what went on. The game proceeds with another couple. Game best for teenage parties

'We were playing 7 minutes in heaven at Alice's party'
"Yeah, it was awesome, i pulled Steve AND Frank" XD

by Cozziee June 21, 2011

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15 Hawaiian minutes

indefinite length of time, interminable. Refers to the laid back attitude visitors to the Hawaiian islands experience, and can mean any length of time.

Joe: When will he get here?
Todd: He said exactly 15 Hawaiian minutes...
Joe: That could mean anything!

by Ronetta May 8, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York minute

n. Stupid, retarded Olsen Twins movie about 2 fucktards running loose in NYC.
Gigantic waste of film. One of the worst movies of all time.

I turned that shit off in a New York Minute.

by keyshaw October 1, 2004

1083๐Ÿ‘ 634๐Ÿ‘Ž

30 minute shower

having a extra long time taking a shower due to intense masturbation while in the bath tub.

roberta: whats taking your husband so long in the shower?

michelle: oh gosh i think my husbands taking a "30 minute shower...Again!.

roberta: Eww gross.

by Musicianman113 January 28, 2011

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