1) noun - the sweat between your ass cheeks on a hot, humid day
2) verb - to sweat in between your ass cheeks on a hot, humid day
1) Holy shit! It’s gonna be over 100°. I need baby powder or the foos will be streaming down my leg!
2) When it was 95° last weekend I was foosing through my shorts!
A foo is usually a person with Maori, Asain or European ethnicity or all of them. A foo is generally quite skinny and thinks they are HIM. Some common names of a foo is allen, will, saul pak man and pak man foo.
Foo is a word is described someone with Asian or Maori ethnicity or both. A common name of a foo is william paki or foo man pak
Foo is another way to say goodbye. Use it with your friends or on text for a short way to say goodbye.
Person1: gotta go, foo!
Person2: what the heck is foo
Person1: it’s the new way to say goodbye, didn’t u hear?
Person2: oh, no I didn’t thx for saying
Person1: foo now
Person2: foo!
Steve: Aww, lord all mightily did you do a Foo josh!
Josh: Uhh no? that was Your Mom