A guy who was voted most likely to date a white girl in high school.
High School Student 1: hey Joshua, who's that brown lad making out with Ashley?
Joshua: thats focking Juan mate
High School Student 1: oh fuck, i'm scared of that guy
a horse
person 1- "who's that?"
person 2- "Him? Oh that's Juan"
person 1- "oh he's a horse, on a railing"
person 2- "sick"
Thiccest nigga you'll ever meet, has a dick that is 3145686 percent bigger than yours. He plays Minecraft and Roblox 25/7 and has more robux than what your family will ever have. He's sometimes a quirky VSCO girl at heart, but when you date him you will realize why all the girls in the school likes him (Hint: his peepee is big). He always gets the ladies and is known for managing to seduce the preschoolers. Although he seems like a manly tough guy, he will still go full communist with his intellect in math tests, his IQ is incalculable but it is rumoured to be over 9000. This doesn't mean you should be on his bad side, he personally knows the CEO of racism and it is even speculated that he IS the CEO of racism.
-Omg Juan is hot and sexy, I really want to date him
-Omg me too *nuts*
A bitch who can't hold a relationship for longer than two weeks. Juan is also incredibly short, and extremely unathletic.
Juan, although nice, needs to stop facetiming girls who don't like him back and get on playstation.
In the meme subreddits (Reddit categories), Juan is a black horse on a balcony, and can be used to designate a horse on a balcony
Person 1: there's a horse on this balcony
Person 2:yeah, some people call it a Juan