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Magic Monkey

The same as "Magic Nigger": a black person who is polite, law-abiding, peaceful, friendly, respectful to women, etc.

You always get these Magic Monkeys on TV, don't you? What world are these people living in?

by prairiefire June 30, 2010

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magic coffee

decaf coffee misrepresented as the real stuff. Often done in the catering industry, where both both regular and decaf coffee are actually decaf. the waiter will often serve coffee, return the the kitchen and emerge with the same pot of coffee for the guests who requested decaf (because it actually is decaf). Some waiters will say an incantation over the pot in the kitchen (converting it to either reg or decaf)

Waiter 1: Are we doing regular AND decaf coffee this evening

Waiter 2: Nope, just magic coffee today.

by Zadok the Priest December 9, 2007

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MAGA magic

When one is in a position of power that forces ones co-workers to listen to their outrageously stupid ideas.

Steve: Did you hear the CEO is running around with MAGA magic?

Tim: Yeah he's an idiot, but I'd rather not get fired so I'll just not mention that in the meeting.

by Sebastian Karchefski January 26, 2021

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Magic funhouse

Magic funhouse is a show on fullscreen made by youtuber Brandon Rogers. Literally the best show ever it slays my life and Brandon rogers is my idol.

Magic funhouse slays my life.

by jayleen.loves.brandonrogers January 11, 2017

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magical girl

A girl or girls in anime/manga who fight evil with their magical powers. They usually have an unbelievingly long transformation sequence alongside short skirts and girly accessories.

Normal girl: What's a magical girl?
Magical girl: You can kick ass in totally inappropiate clothing, while being super famous and unknown at the same time. It's cool.

by Blue-kun November 7, 2015

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mofo magic

a magic mofo the kind who has the ability to do anything, also can be used as a description of something good or a greeting to a fellow magical mofo.

if something is cool and you are a magical mofo you could say "mofo magic" or call someone mofo magic when they are a special mofo. the land of magical mofos is all around us.

by cocktail queen August 21, 2006

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The Magic Doodangle

A name for the penis. Specifically one that can accomplish something for someone that no other penis has before.
In some cases, but not all, also know as "Devil Dick"

1. "You two are going to have a baby? How? I thought the doctors said you couldn't."
"My husband has The Magic Doodangle!"

2. "Oh God! You reached places in ways no one else has! I think I'm ad-dick-ted to your Magic Doodangle!"

by Wolf Daddy February 12, 2020