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Myspace Rat

(noun) One who you excessively visits Myspace.com. Often not doing anything except looking at other people's profiles and/or trying to get people to "pc4pc" (picture comment for picture comment)
Myspace Rats are extremely low on the social ladder.

"Oh em gee guys go comment my new pics I'll totally pc4pc!"

"She's a total Myspace Rat! All she does is comment my pictures saying, "cute pic :D. pc4pc?:)"

by Gavin Michael September 8, 2008

myspace surfing

when one is on myspace for lond periods of time checking out other peoples myspace pages.

I was myspace surfing yesterday when i found carrie's page and hit a bitch up.

by xomerylox44 March 2, 2008

myspace pics

code word used for decreet plans to smoke weed. usaully used when one's dad is a pig.

ay fool lets take some myspace pics at the vacant lot next door.

aight i'll bring the flash

by FTP white pride December 10, 2008

Myspace Roll'd

similar to being rick roll'd. when an ugly girl posts the one picture in her possession that makes her look half-decent to try and get guys to even look twice at her.

Guy 1: yeah i was trollin on myspace the other day and i found this hot chick from cali..

Guy 2: and?..

Guy 1:...Myspace Roll'd

Guy 2: ouch dude.

by xvTylerDurdenvx September 28, 2009

Myspace Photo

A photo taken by ones self at a generally impossible angle. This photo usually includes large amounts of dyed black hair covering a large portion of the persons face and black eyeliner. This photo is also frequently taken in the mirror.

"Comment on my new hawt pics plz!"

by Lust77 April 30, 2005

187๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

myspace rounds

Going to most or all of your friends pages in one session, leaving them comments. It is an attempt to spread the comment wealth evenly.

"You haven't left me a comment in forever!"

"I know, I havent done myspace rounds in a few weeks."

by Meredith (Miss M) December 7, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

myspace fuck

A person who is so obsessed with myspace due to the lack of friends that they almost damn near set the world record for time sitting in a chair at a computer. They use every search engine known to man to find a way to improve their page and make it so flamboyantly gay that if you layed eyes on it you'd probably pass out from the incredible hue of rainbow colors. Basically they have no lives or friends but simulate having a life through artificial intelligence.

Wow, yea matt was sitting at his house all last night, he almost set the world record...for being a complete myspace fuck.

by Scaiferbomber November 16, 2006

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