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Hippy Blow

A pure form of MDMA (ecstasy), also known by the slang term "Molly". It comes in powder form usually white, but sometimes yellowish or pinkish in color. A very popular drug at music festivals hence the name. Not to be confused with "Hippy Crack".

Steve took 2 tenths of some good hippy blow and has been rolling balls all night.

by JWILL8764 August 10, 2008

colon blows

To terrorize your coworkers with the worst gas you can muster up. Combination of chili or chili dogs, hot wings, draft beer the night before work and four boiled eggs for breakfast should do the trick ( it also helps to hold your shirt in as long as possible as this will add to the aroma).

Man did you smell those colon blows he was dropping in the break room today it was the worst smell like something died I think I threw up in my mouth.

by whiplash72 January 21, 2015

Chucky Blow

Overly ambitious oral sex giver gags and vomits on his cock or in her pussy then continues to give enthusiastic oral.

Giving him a Chucky Blow.

by Phillth69 January 8, 2015

Blow pillow

A pillow used to blow smoke into while smoking, usually marijuana.

This is my designated blow pillow.

by Tccwhore March 30, 2019

Blow Chuck

When you vomit so much your initial vomit noise lasted 3+ seconds.

“Off a 3 night triple sendy bender and i still havnt blown chuck yet!”
“I ate so much i think i might blow chuck
“That bitch sucked my shit so good until she blew chuck on my shit

by Squigg1es July 10, 2021

blowing a clown

To announce something in a public forum (such as facebook) that is shocking and probably untrue for the sake of garnering attention.

"Anne posted on her page that IRS is after her for back taxes and she's going to jail for 15 years--even though she's only 17. That girl is an expert at blowing a clown."

by Berengariathefirst August 9, 2013


When you get a promotion at your job however some aspect of it "Blows" such as getting paid less, crappy office (such as it being awkwardly placed, small, and or under construction), having to work longer or all of the above. The Blow part results in people saying "This Blows" When things are bad or worse then before.

Paul: So do you like your new promotion?
John: Well I get paid less, My Office is right next to the freeway, and I have to work for 18 hours a day.
Paul: Oh that Blows
John: Yep I got a blow-motion.

by Theblackness September 14, 2009