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Piss Wedge

Something I came up with its kinda like piss ant or piss monkey. But its basically when your being stubborn and annoying or are just a cunt

"Your such a piss wedge" or "stop being a piss wedge"

by Bango May 14, 2020

Piss Curtains

The pair of lips found on the exterior of the vagina, the labia. Likely, a derogatory term referring to a woman's entire vagina.

Come here you dirty little tart and let me plumb the depths of your piss curtains with my meat thermometer.

When was the last time you washed your piss curtains? You smell like a fish market on the hottest day in summer.

by DarthVenom1980 August 28, 2010

piss slippers

When a cat or any other domestic animal marks its turf and said turf happens to be ones slipper(s).

“Bobby” arrived at worked and wondered why one of his shoes seemed damp inside, his reply was i am wearing a piss slippers, much to his dismay he continued on with his workday.

by Thewickedest1 October 6, 2018

Pissing the shit

To literally piss shit because someone has made you angry.

Quentin is pissing the shit out of Sarah.

by A real deal May 19, 2012

safety piss

The act of urinating, not due to a biological need or urge, but as a precaution before entering a situation in which excusing one's self to the facilities would be either inconvenient, detrimental, or a social faux pas.

Steve: "Hey, how'd the job interview go?"
Juan: "Their bathrooms were locked, so I couldn't take a safety piss beforehand. Really kinda threw off my mojo."

Donny: "Hey man, save my seat."
James: "Where are you going?"
Donny: "Taking a safety piss; this movie's three hours long!"

Craig: "I really wish I'd taken a safety piss."
Minister: "And do you, Craig, take Tina to be your lawfully wedded wife..."

by Darren C August 31, 2010

piss pie

Act in which one pisses in a Styrofoam plate places into freezer until frozen then slides frozen piss under victims door later to melt causing giant puddle of piss without ever having gone in the room.

Last night I piss pied Mike. This morning he was like " which one of you fucking asshole faces pissed on my fucking floor my fucking door was locked". Man he was fucking pissed.

by 1 pink 2 stink July 19, 2013

Pissed the biscuit

Fucked shit up. "Screwed the pooch." Epically failed.

I dropped my ecig and it busted into pieces. I really pissed the biscuit.

by Katie Foreal February 20, 2017