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get political

To lie because you suck

George's mom asked him if he cleaned his room but he wanted to invade Iraq. So he went political on her ass.
george get political b;ahj dasdhu

by LIGHT233 May 19, 2007

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political philosophy

A euphemism used to describe the meticulous theorizing of lazy college students, wherein they bounce ideas back and forth without any sort of factual basis or support. See, mental masturbation. See, armchair politics.

Ralph thought that legalizing prostitution would be awesome, because then he could get laid.
Ralph brought up this idea in his political science class without doing any sort of research or considering the reality of the situation.
He called it 'political philosophy'.
His professor gave him a verbal thrashing.

by that girl you hate August 1, 2006

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politically correct

Polite way of asking extremely rude, ignorant, nasty, uneducated people to shut their pieholes-as evidenced on this page alone.

Instead of being gutless pussies who can't find their words, most intelligent people inform the creeps that what they are saying is not "politically correct", rather than just saying STFU.

by CoEvolution August 6, 2016

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The Political Left

A populist political movement with bigotry as it's cornerstone.

"No mate, I think all people should enjoy the same legal rights, regardless of their race, gender, or any other way you choose to classify. That's the basis of a a free and fair society. You're telling me the Political Left believes we should discriminate?"

"You racist sexist trans-homo-phobe!! That's racist because it denies racial inequality and cancels out people's race as their primary identity. It's sexist because it does not provide for special privileges equating to empowerment for women. It's trans and homo - phobic because it allows for freedom of association, and people may not want to associate with someone for whatever reason, including that they don't like the way their breath smells. And the person in question might be trans or homosexual!! Fascist!!

by DefiningIt November 20, 2020

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political guru

someone who knows exactly whats going on within the world of politics and politicians.

Ted: The election is coming up and I have no idea who's running for MP in my electorate! *panics* Do you have any idea who the Labor candidate is?

Greg: No idea, ask Wyman, he's a real political guru - he'll even be able to tell you what colour jocks each candidate is wearing.

by Billie Jean1 August 10, 2010

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Political adctivist

Someone who bases their entire political view on what commercials have told them, and commonly engage in meaningless arguments supporting candidates they have no idea what they stand for.

Political adctivist #1: You're an idiot if you vote for Obama after he was best friends with William Ayers.

Political adctivist #2: At least he didn't buy Ayers $150,000 dollars worth of clothes.

by wotish November 13, 2008

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Politically correct

Trying to make everything politically correct so it doesnt offend anyone is how you end up with cars with names like Solstice and Equinox instead of Cougar, Rocket, or Charger.

As soon as Charger or Challenger start becoming abusive or mean names for cars that have to be made politically correct, Detroit is going to be in worse shape than it already is since the 70s. That is progress, even if that's what a politician calls it (Democrat or Republican).

by Solid Mantis October 14, 2020

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