Source Code

emo ghost

someone who was emo before emo was 'cool' and walks around saying "I'm a ghost, nobody likes me."

Justin A. is an emo ghost

by Charlie and Chocolate May 25, 2006

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Ghost sex

As you’re clapping checks doggy style with some randy, you then tag team your buddy out the closet and switch positions. Next you sneak outside to look through the window and sure enough she’s looking at you like she’s just seen a ghost!

Dude: Brooo chad and I totally just had ghost sex last night!! You should’ve seen the look on the b*tches face!
Friend: aw dude I wish I was there!!

by Clivebix August 20, 2021

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ghost tampon

When a girl attempts to flush her used tampon down the toilet, and it appears to be gone, then resurfaces to scare the crap out of you later.

"I went to pee and there was a ghost tampon in the toilet, you told me you flushed it! Ew!"

by Radassical January 7, 2008

51πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

ghost fucking

Doing doggy to your girlfriend/lover infront of a window, getting another guy to take over and going outside/inside to stand infront of the window the girl is looking out of.
Ghost fucking is cruder name for ghosting.

Gustav's would love to try ghost fucking, if he hasn't allready.

by A. Fox March 31, 2008

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Ghost Poo

when you take a seemingly ordinary poo but when it falls into the bowl it has just the right angle and speed to slide right into the hole and continue its way towards the back of the toilet, becoming unseen. when you stand up to look at it, you make the shocking discovery that it isn't there, leaving you in a state of confusion. so you question the fact if you really even took a poo or not.

man: I think I just took a Ghost Poo.
man 2: Well did you feel it come out?
man: I don't remember...
man 2: HaHa. Jackass.

by block bros. July 17, 2014

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Ghost account

an account that a person makes on a website that is entirely different than their identity.

Usually to spy or find out what someone else is thinking about them

Mark: Did you hear Phil made a ghost account on Facebook pretending to be Jeff?

Jane: So that's why Mary broke up with him?

Mark: Ya, she thought Jeff was being rude and obnoxious, but in reality it was just Phil in disguise.

by Metalhound June 29, 2009

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ghost dial

The act of accidently dialing a phone number on your cell when it hits against something on your belt or in your pocket. The party on the other end gets treated to 5 minutes of you yammering away, often talking about them behind their back...can be very embarrassing.

I did a ghost dial on susie last night and she caught me telling all my bros about banging her the night before.

by MC Johnny P November 29, 2007

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