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Logan Montgomery

Dude, Logan Montgomery is such a fucking simp

by YoureKindaSus March 11, 2020


A dude who puts HOES before BROS

Dude, Yeng is such a simp!

by The-AntiSimp April 16, 2020


A man who continues to try and please a women who his mentally and physically abusive or manipulative in nature in hopes to seek a sexual gratification or maintain a relation ship.

Tim continues to be a simp having his wife ignore him and talk to another man while shit belittles him , while he try’s to keep her happy with money and jewelry to keep her from leaving.

by Szwabo June 5, 2020


Lukas Sullivan

Yo bro quit simpin you look like Lukas Sullivan

by Nicenice69 September 16, 2020


A guy that will submit to women in hopes of winning them over.

"Hey, have you seen Jason?"

"Yeah, he ditched us to go simp for that e-girl.."

"Not cool."

by disappointed in you April 26, 2020


Simp. A person who does anything including and not limited to, saying goodbye to their dignity, and their friends just so they might be able to have a chance at getting a partner. However most people specify that only males can simp. However you are so very wrong if you believe that hogwash May I direct you attention to Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on titan. She is the one of the biggest simps I’ve ever seen and I’m including Sanji from One Piece so there is no more reason to suggest only males can simp.

(Person 1: Hey Jim I took a look back and I completely disagree, Mikasa is a total simp

(Person 2: No she isn’t Sanji is, only guys can simp, duh

(Person 1: I think you need to seek a therapist because somethings wrong if you only think guys can simp.

by Majoritymars5 July 12, 2020


1. someone (usually a guy) seen as too attentive or submissive towards women.

2. a male who worships any and every woman within six feet.

3. those named “kenji” are the biggest simps

kenji, stop fucking simping for momo and making excuses for it. ❤️

by the biggest chad in existence September 1, 2020