Doesn't get enough credit, often called a cello
Person 1: Heyy, I really like your cello
Person 1: Oh my bad. Anyways that's a cool cello.
the absolute worst way of saying somebody looks hot
hooooolllyyy shit she got that double g-yat
<dub-bull korn> verb, active. Sexual slang, origin:Nebraska, United States, est. ~ 1960 AD
(-ing) same and or plural partaking.
The partaking act of the insertion of two (2) ears of corn ( 🌽 🌽 ), one (1) into the vaginal cavity, and one (1) into the rectal cavity of a human female subject. Usually willingly for sexual pleasure, or other various sexual reasons of partaking.
-ing (double corning), same or plural partaking.
-ed (double corned), subjective status present and/or past tense.
-er (double corner), one who partakes in the act of.
-able (double cornable), a subject determined capable and usually preferable candidate of the defined.
That girl from Nebraska enjoys a double corn after smoking cocaine.
She has double cornable hips.
When a vagina has two canals. (holes)
The boys just hit a double lined vagina together.
Daughter of their great-grandparent’s full sibling with the other great-grandparent’s full sibling.
My double-first great-cousin-aunt is a good person.
When you take a crap on top of someone else's unflushed dump.
"I had to go really bad, but the shitter was plugged with someone's turd. So I just double parked it."
Verb; Past tense; when your facebook data was taken by Cambridge Analytical and facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, tells you to “click this link to see if your data was mined” and by clicking the link your data is mined again.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me ain’t gonna double-zuck me again. My friend got double-zucked yesterday when he clicked the link to see about his data.