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Deez Nuts

Deez Nuts

Deez Nuts

by 69NiggerLover69 April 28, 2024

Deez Nuts

Giant eggs eggs
This joke is told by men with a small penis
Pocket light swords

Hey how’s your mom?
Deez Nuts

by HHHHHOWDY Yall June 26, 2022

Deez Nuts

round big ballssss

I want to see deez nuts

by zakaelyn February 15, 2016

deez nuts

ha gottem

deez nuts
ha gottem

by young decker dick September 23, 2019

Deez Nuts

Your testicles
It's also a meme

"here son, hold Deez,"
-son, "Deez wut?"
-father, " Deez Nuts! Ha! Got 'em!

by Johnny Mc. Nab November 6, 2018

deez nuts

a very old joke that isn't very funny but is very annoying instead but people still say it for three reasons 1. there still in 6th grade 2. their annoying mfs 3. they tryna shut you up

"hey look its candace"
"whos candace"

"can deez nuts fit 9 inches deep down yo momma throat"
"shut the fuck up"

by deeznutsinurmomcoochie January 12, 2022

deez nuts

a really immature and stupid joke about sucking testicles

Hey, you know Suggon? Suggon deez nuts!

by Isaac D. Snuts August 8, 2023