Source Code

Josef Ult

Using the ultimate ability from the League of Legends champion Darius as a gap closer, instead of using it for damage.

Nico, you made a Josef Ult again!

by Cappo1 December 21, 2024


The point where the circulation of blood and oxygen is no longer sustained.

" Holy shit he's josefated, lets operate! "

by Kline a poo June 22, 2007

Josef Charro

(Verb)~ to Josef Charro. When someone who used to be a close friend rarely makes time for you, because he spends all his time with his girlfriend

Mike: yoo bro wanna hit the clubs tonight?
Steve: nah can’t bro i’m going to the movies with my girlfriend.

Mike: don’t Josef Charro me you motherfucker.

by Gabro63 December 1, 2017

Josef Benjamin Whitbread

King, even like a God of Satan. Always Loyal and will hurt anyone, that hurts the people he loves and cares about.

Josef Benjamin Whitbread, is a king, even like a God of Satan

by Mexican God of fire November 1, 2020

josef seed

he puts his "Seed" inside of you
and turns u into a homosexual

person 1:fuck Josef seed just aid eggs inside me man
person 2:go to hospital before they have and eat ur eyes and gentiles !
person 1:oh no fuck fuck fuck they hatching!

screaming and sounds of ripping flesh
porn and gurging noises coming from the seed beast
far cry 5: ohh no

by no homo bromo March 18, 2022

Josef Boktor

A really handsome guy with a big dick and makes all the women get orgasms.

Woman1: Omg, it's Josef Boktor!

Woman2: Holy shit, I'm gonna get an orgasm! AUUGGHHH!

by Josefth3ripper November 28, 2024

sir josef

a man of great power, someone who has great love for the muffin man, and has sex with Siamese twins 3 times a day behind a McDonalds.

the one and only sir josef

by eddie2517 April 2, 2007