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Baptist Virgin

A southern woman belonging to really any conservative, Christian faith who, to maintain her virginity, has only anal and oral sex rather than vaginal penetration.

Drew said, "I tapped her in the ass last night, but she wouldn't let me rip her pussy walls...she is such a Baptist Virgin".

by EloiseWuvs420 January 16, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Southern Baptist

A sect of Protestant Christianity in the south east United States that are known for their very Caucasian congregations, believe in the absolute word by word truth of the King James version of the Bible, and perpetuate themselves by having their deacons find replacement preachers that will not disturb their fundamentalist and far-right theology. Sect is characterized by rampant hypocrisy, prejudice, racial intolerance, bigotry, small-mindedness, and an unenlightened view of the world and social change.

Waspish country clubs without the tennis courts.

My uncle was a Southern Baptist preacher. He hated Jews, blacks, gays, and anyone on welfare; but he preached that Jesus loved everyone.

by Bill Garnett July 22, 2004

572๐Ÿ‘ 401๐Ÿ‘Ž

Southern Baptist

The most narrow minded religion in the world, which reject gays, black people, non-Christians, Atheists and all other forms of religion. They exist in America, and can be extremely racist. In all honestly, they give Christians everywhere a bad name.

If you see one, Iโ€™d advise you run, and if they get too near โ€“ shoot first, ask questions later!

Me: I'm a Christian, and my brothers an Atheist. What? No, we're normal people! No I'm not a euro piece of trash. Why am I not born in America? Because I wasn't! No, I am a Christian; I'm just not a Southern Baptist... No, wai- Ahhhhh!

by Romanblood July 23, 2007

389๐Ÿ‘ 286๐Ÿ‘Ž

landover baptist

The soil that covers the grave of a member of the Baptist faith.

After Pastor Jeremiah died, his coffin was placed in a freshly dug hole, which was then filled in with landover baptist.

by Led Zeppole November 8, 2003

97๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

Southern Baptist

The Southern Baptist Convention is a far-right, White Supremacist cult founded in the 1830s for the sole purpose of defending human (specifically African-American) slavery.

While it claims to to be based on the Word of God and has trappings of Christianity, the truth of is far more sinister: The Southern Baptist Convention is a tool of the saee Anti-Christ whose machinations are responsible for corrupting our world with fascism, Stalinism, ceand Naziism.

Its creators were Southern slaveowners and their braindead sympathisers, who cried like spoiled children because the humanitarian and progressive northerners would not fund pro-slavery congregation, pay slave-owning ministers, or support pro-slavery missionary activity.

Northerners, progressive Southerners, and African-American southerners continue to serve our Lord and Saviour as the American Baptist Convention, while Southern Baptists have gone on to stand up for racial segregation, homophobia, misogyny, theocracy, and reactionary nationalism. Through the control of the Republican Party and the DLC (both of which they share with corporate interests), Southern Baptists continue to inflict hate, pain, and suffering upon America and upon the world.

Jerry Falwell, a prominent hatemonger affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, supported racial segregation until it became so politically unacceptable to do so that his career hand his ability to defraud people by exploiting their faith would have been ruined. Likewise, both Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have used their disgusting faith as excuses to launch tirades against social liberals, women, homosexuals, the working classes, and religious minorities.

by CommieCowboy February 21, 2006

299๐Ÿ‘ 245๐Ÿ‘Ž

landover baptist

A fundamentalist Shiite Baptist cult intent on converting every non-believer or hurrying them on to Hell.

You apostate Catholics, Christ-killing Jews, mark-of Cain Negroes and pagan Chinamen gathered here at Landover Baptist church will either put your hand on the KJ1611 Bible and accept HIM or we'll put your brains on it.

by megnao flimpis July 31, 2003

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Wejus Baptist

Baptist (usually Southern Baptist) preacher or church member who continually uses the phrase "we jus' (just)" in public prayer.

I knew I was in a Wejus Baptist church when the preacher droned on and on: "Father, we jus' thank you for..." and "we jus' want to say"...and "we jus' praise you" and "we jus' ask your blessing"...

by bethidee March 8, 2008

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