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Bowel Buster

A triple hash brown from Waffle House topped with chili, cheese, and ham as well as an assortment of sauces.

John enjoyed a bowel buster at Waffle House.

by K1llr0y December 15, 2009

Bowel Brick

A massive, girthy turd. Often hard to pass.

Iโ€™ve been on this shitter for an hour and I still can squeeze this bowel brick.

by Eaton Holgoode November 26, 2018

Bowel fetus


A human poo.

girl "woah i just birthed the biggest bowel fetus. I named her Jenny then flushed her away."
boy "nice work"
girl "thanks dont go in there for a while, Jenny likes to linger"

by rapunzabel September 10, 2016

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Bowel Towel

Noun; After taking a shit and being unaware that you are out of toilet paper, your next best option is to use a towel conveniently hung near the toilet.

"After Michael dropped a deuce, his next best option was the bowel towel hanging next to the tub."

by hansonpaulsey December 27, 2010

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Taco Bowel

Another name got the fast food chain restaurant "Taco Bell" it got the name "taco bowel" for what happens 20 minutes later in the Macy's restroom.

*two guys walk into the food court*

Guy 1: where are you goin for lunch?

Guy 2: Taco Bell in this muhfuckaaa!
Guy 1: You mean Taco Bowel?

*20 minutes later in department store*
Guy 2: I gotta go take the Browns to the Superbowl.
Guy 1: Taco bowel in this muhfuckaaa!

by GHUBZ July 9, 2012

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bowel scowl

The look on your face when you're trying to pinch out a rock hard log.

That kid in the stroller had a serious bowel scowl on his face; must've been dropping a week-old deuce.

by gaverino October 17, 2009

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bowel boa

A hilarious word play on the Spanish Explorer Balboa.

A long shit curled twice around the bowl with the head poised to strike.

Oh my god grandma! Come look atthe size of this bowel boa I just released in the bowl!

by Cabe April 29, 2005

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