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Choose your next words very carefully

1. A passive-aggressive threat to someone.

2. To warn someone off before things get violent

3. A response to someone who offended you.

4. Commonly used as a joke online.

Taylor: "It's sad. You turn out to be just like your father. A drunk, abusive, pathetic man with no meaning to live."

Mike: "Choose your next words very carefully"

by John Anonymous Doe December 11, 2016

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you can choose what you eat, you can not choose what you shit

the ridiculous condition of a winner politician who blames the former administrations, to justify the mere fact he is definitely unable.
Who does politics can choose the party to play with, the arguments to fight with, and the equivocal reasons to explain to the electorate, but can not choose the "favourite" priorities, budget deficits, environmental emergencies, and other embarrassing situations.

POLITICIAN: It's not my fault. The former mayor left a huge amount of budget deficit.
TV REPORTER (live): No, man: you can choose what you eat, you can not choose what you shit.

by logao November 4, 2018

National friends choose your someone day

Date: 02 December

The day your friend/s choose someone you have got to date for 24hrs. Their friends have to agree with it too.

โ€œI ship you with that person so you have to be with them because its National friends choose your someone day.โ€

by Anonymous.days November 12, 2021

choose between the devil and the deep blue sea

(verb): to choose between two or more options, none of which suit your immediate purposes or whose none of whose consequences are very pleasant for you.

mother: Daniel I found yesterday you are doing pot. I won't stand for it to have a marijuana smoker and high school drop out in my house. now choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. either you go to night class, finish high school and then make something out of yourself or you can get trade school job and move the hell out of my house. Your choice; the ball is now in your court

Daniel; Oh well. whenever I have chosen my path, I'll come and talk to you.

by Sexydimma May 20, 2012

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choose between the devil and the deep blue sea

(verb): to choose between two or more options, none of which suit your immediate purposes or none of whose consequences are very pleasant for you.

mother: Daniel I found yesterday you are doing pot. I won't stand for it to have a marijuana smoker and high school drop out in my house. Now choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. Either you go to night class, finish high school and then make something out of yourself or you can get a trade school job and move the hell out of my house. Your choice; now the ball is in your half court

Daniel; Oh well. whenever I have chosen my path, I'll come and talk to you.

by Sexydimma July 28, 2012

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Can anyone help me choose? Chinese or Taiwan language to study for?

Can anyone help me choose? Chinese or Taiwan language to study for?

Can anyone help me choose? Chinese or Taiwan language to study for?

by Kmqq April 21, 2023

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I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many

A phrase memed all over the internet as a cringy gamer quote. It's also famous as a shirt design.

"I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many" is one of many examples of how gamers are the worst thing to happen to gaming.

by CURNICNLGEE June 10, 2022

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