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Dirty Corbyn

A dirty corbyn is the act of wdw eating peoples balls while a limelight deep throats wdw's gigantic dicks

Yoooo, is why dont we having a dirty corbyn.

by elle.is.thou June 22, 2020

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn is a politician who serves as the MP for Islington North and formerly served as the leader of the Labour Party and the leader of the opposition for 3 years.

Corbyn is a controversial figure among Britain because he is quite far left for the modern Labour Party, which has recently become quite a centrist party. Corbyn, a democratic socialist, lead the Labour Party to the worst defeat it had ever seen since before WW2. After the 2019 election preceded, Corbyn resigned and was followed by Keir Starmer.

Person one:Jeremy Corbyn sucks
Person two: nah he’s a legend

by blah_blah-blah_ August 5, 2022

82πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž

Jeremy Corbyn

A socialist legend and hero of the working class, current UK Labour Party leader. Jezza is one of the lads

"Jeremy Corbyn cares about the working class"

by BigShaq92 December 17, 2017

219πŸ‘ 1994πŸ‘Ž

corbyn matthew besson

one of the most inspirational humans ever. He is currently in a band called Why Don't We, and they have an amazing album called 8 letters which you should totally go listen to right now. Corbina is my parents. Like this, if there also your parents and your my long lost limelight sibling


by mind your own bisness May 6, 2019

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Jeremy Corbyn high five

Gentle slap to the breast.

I was with this girl last night and gave her a Jeremy Corbyn high five. She loved it!

by Pumpychef June 9, 2017

69πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


To be lectured by a person who knows nothing about a subject but thinks they do and is blinded by hatred.

I was was corbyned at work today

by Ibala January 25, 2024

Corbyn Sebesta

Gay. Like really, really, incredibly gay.

That guy so gay, his name must be Corbyn Sebesta!

by YOOOOOOOTe December 27, 2019