Someone who doesn’t know how to mind their own business, who continually interrupts conversations and puts their opinion in without being asked. Always prowling for a conversation to intercept.
‘I can’t get a word in without being interrupted by Neil, he’s such a conversation deviant’
A euphemism for a FAGGOT PEDOPHILE.
It is fine to be called a HOMOSEXUAL but when people start coming up to you and call you a DEVIANT HOMOSEXUAL the secret for some reason got out.
Another way to say that one is a cross dresser on a Tindr profile.
I'm a deviant creature, If you know what that means. If you are interested in how it feels like to be in the company of a very feminine and passable CD, lemme know!
In statistics, it is a person or thing that differs from a fixed value such as the mean.
Then he suggested, "Without being mean, can we just be deviants?"
democrat politicians whose goal is a rule over and enslave the people.
The Deviants continually enact laws which undermine the Constitution and take away the peoples freedom.