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A badass girl that's what and and hard also she a little savage and cute also she gangter and kind when she wants to be and can turn up!!

Brain: do you know Eden?
Jack: no
Brain: boy!! She right there
Jack:damn she hot
Brain:she badass and she can beat you ass

by Joze mezz May 8, 2019

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She is very intriguing... there is something to her that makes you want to know more about her. Eden is the type of girl who does not like being the centre of attention, but she secretly loves all the attention in the world from her partner. Just make sure not to put her in the spotlight and you’ll be good ;)! She is very beautiful but does not see it in herself. She is also very athletic, talented and smart but does not like to show it off. Watch out because this girl is a thrill seeker, if you are looking for someone to go on the tallest rollercoasters with or push you out of your comfort zones then this girl is for you! Eden is a girl that will make you laugh, and her laugh is even more contagious. However, she has been through a lot of past traumas and often uses humour as an escape mechanism. Be careful as she may try to cover up who she really is by lying to you. This is out of protection for herself but in the end she only lands up hurting others around her. Eden could also be a very impulsive person and has a bit of a temper when things don’t go her way, she may explode. Once she is found out, she may not be able to handle you knowing the truth and will cut you off, out of her life. Eden really doesn’t care what others think of her and it may come across as she doesn’t care about you, but that’s not the case. If she truly loves you, Eden would not do anything to let you go.

Friend: Eden is so fit, I wish I had her body!
Partner: Eden told me she loves me, wow I can see a future with this girl!

by X0X0GG May 20, 2019

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More than likely part of the LGBT+ community... Ok, if your name is Eden, you’re definitely part of the LGBT+ community. You’re also super sweet and pretty shy. You probably have a hard time expressing your feelings and speaking about your problems. Everyone loves you and if they say they don’t, they’re either lying or an asshole. Oh and you have the best aesthetic... Probably something like cottagecore, light academia, retro... That kinda jazz!

Person 1: “Awwe! They’re so sweet!”
Person 2: “Yeah! They’re totally an Eden!”

by P3BBL3Z December 17, 2020

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Eden is a very nice person. They give the best hugs and like hoodies and painting. Eden likes going outside and enjoys the silence of sparse population. If you have an Eden in you midst, approach with toblerone or similar chocolate.

I was hanging out with Eden the other day and they let me have one of their fries

by flickering_shadows January 2, 2020

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the most happy but also bipolar person you will ever meet. she has shiny brown hair and beautiful eyes that change color. she wars makeup but not too much just to the point where she looks stunning. she plays soccer but also likes naps. she has many friends and is very likable but also very stubborn. she is more american than america itself. any guy would be lucky to have her!

kason: hey there is eden over there
kaleb: yeah shes so gorgeous!

by girls i like January 13, 2021


Eden is usually medium height with long blonde hair. She can seem quite shy, but is the exact opposite. She's popular, argumentative and a leader. Also very skinny and pretty. If you annoy Eden, she could get quite pissed..

'I had an argument with Eden today'

by Ella.Grance June 4, 2019


The pretty girl at school who was always humble unnoticed until she wasn't. More into her schoolwork than being cool. Super fun and biggest heart ❤ a gifted student who was strikingly beautiful and became stunning more and more as she matured. Jealous became the other girls with their gangly looks and desperation for boys attention. Gross and mean with rat like features.

That girl is an Eden

by Lame af loser November 12, 2020