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A girl with an obsession of something. Can be a celebrity, anime, a band e.t.c. popular obsessions are Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood, Inuyashamashywhaever, and Good Charlotte. Most of them do have lives outside of their crush apart from the odd scary one. They can produce quite good fanart and fanfiction. Many are good-looking and thin (e.g. many of my friends). Many are also nice people who are capable of answering a question with 'squee' or 'OHMYSEXGAWD'. I am a fangirl and proud.

Crazy fangirl: OMG it's him!!111!!oneone I luff you marry me!!!11!!!
Normal Fangirl: Wow look it's *whoever* he looks good. Can I have your autograph?

by Izzy F August 31, 2004

110๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. a girl who is a fan of a anime/video game/book charatcher. Or a fan or a real actor/singer.

2. There are three types of Fangirl:


These are the type of fangirl i can actully stand. Has a slight obcession with the object of her desire. Reads fanfics about her chosen desire. Has about ten posters of her desire. Knows he is a fabrication (applies to anime/video games). Is literate.


A slight step up from the Normal Fangirl phase. Is aged between 12-17 yearr old. Has a Livejournal and is in no less than ten communites deticacted to the object of her desire. Writes shitty fanficton (all fanficton is shit). Sqees ALOT.
Uses those gay anime emoctions such as ^_^). Cosplays. Is seen at stores like Barnes and Noble (In America) and in Oxford Street (where i live, in the UK). Draws shitty fanart. Avoid.


This is the ultimate form of Fangirl. If you diss the object of her desire, you are doomed to a lifetime of grammar murderings. Has a Livejournal/devinart/Myspace/xanga account. Is seen at Gaia Online and Neopets FC (about 70% of the FC are on this stage already) Has about 1000000000 posters dedicated to her object. Has the entire mercenside line devoted to her desire. Creates and joins Fanlistings. writes and reads shitty yaoi fanfiction. It created FranzxAlbert. Your worst nightmare.

Normal Fangirl: I like Itachi, hes hot.
Rabid Fangirl: NOOOOO!!! ITACHI IS MINE BITCH!!!!!
Uber Fangirl: OMG!!!!!!!! ITACHI IZ MEH FURTOOR HUSBAND!!!!! LYKE WE IZ GUNNA MARRY AND HAVE 10000000000 BEBIES!!^_________________^::::: HE IZ MINE BICHTESEE!!!!!

by malik_of_darkness July 1, 2006

690๐Ÿ‘ 415๐Ÿ‘Ž


An overly obsessive female. When referring to anime, one is usually obsessed with bishounens such as Inuyasha, Sasuke, or anyone from Saiyuki. The typical fangirl cry is, "SQUEE!!!". Fangirls are also equivalent of stalkers and many are shot on the spot when seen.

AAAAH!!! Inuyasha! SQUEEE!!!!!!!!! *glomps* I LUV INUYASHA an u all should tooo!! X3!!!!!!

by Shasi July 4, 2004

241๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female fan of an actor and/or fictional character. Usually between the ages of 12-14. Is known to utter high-pitched sounds whenever the object of their obsession's name is mentioned. Claims that, "IM reelly gona marry him cuz we R ment 2 b!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!@#$347903458134!@!@!" Uses excessive amounts of punctuation. This condition is usually just a phase and doesn't generally last extremely long. However, in the more severe cases the fangirl can go on in her fangirlyness for years on end.

Beatles Mania.

by Haley June 7, 2004

99๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of fanning ones hands rapidly near ones face in overwhelming excitement as a fangirl would when meeting her obsession.

I fangirled when I found myself standing next to Nick Lachey at Starbucks!

by Nick111 July 2, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


N: A girl/woman obsessed with a band/book/actor/film/series, who blogs, reads, tweets and squeals about this obsession.

V: To scream in joy or anger about a book/band/series/film/actor.

"She's such a fangirl..." She murmured, as her friend squeal in the corner.

by Marshmellows23 August 19, 2014


Someone who gets easily obsessed with things they view, read or are involved in. They belong to things called 'fandoms' and generally scream and cry over characters that may be fictional, or band members and actors, singers, authors or bands.

Person A: Wow, she's such a fangirl!
Person B: Yeah, she screamed in excitement and then burst into tears when their new book came out...

by Nameless Anonymous March 17, 2015