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Your a figger a fat African found in mondern warfare

Aye your a figger

by A figger is a African fat guy December 22, 2020


A nigger who also happens to be a fag.

The wire is a great show, especially that figger Omar.

by inconspicuousboner April 20, 2017


When black people act out in a stereotypical way.

A composite of "Figures" and "niggers."

Person 1: A bunch of drunk blacks started fighting at the Waffle House this morning.

Person 2: Figgers.

by Lord Scoot June 24, 2022


Racial Slur used against Figga raced people.

"Shut up you damn figger!"

by spedboy49 March 26, 2023


Black people that pick up figs from the field

Those figgers never leave any figs for the rest of us!

by Alumitzeyooo January 13, 2020


fucking somebody in a niggeristic way.

tyrone figgered me all night.

jamol used his big black cock to figger me.

by sexlovr69 August 14, 2022


A hot chick who works in the medical/dental field who wears figs scrubs.

That chick is a figger!

by Guy696969 October 21, 2022