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When you truly feel that love you haven’t felt in so long by a significant other you have strong feeling that they’re your soulmate. When you first saw that special person you just got week in the knees instantly and got butterflies in your stomach instantly. You feel like you’ve been with this person forever and you want to spend the rest of your life with this person. You forever love them, always will.

I love this girl so much, I flak her.

by Ryan Howard November 9, 2023


A word that is used to describe a moment when greatness is achieved

“I got a 6 kill streak
“That’s Flak”

by Gunter November 6, 2019


Abbreviation for the German term Flugabwehrkanone (sometimes Fliegerabwehrkanone), which is an anti-aircraft gun. Get your German right, you dipshits.

"Diese Flak kann auch gegen Panzer eingesetzt werden."

"This flak can also be used against tanks."

by Feldherr November 14, 2016


It is the negative response to journalism and related stories on a controversial topic. Flak can include boycotts, bombing, threats, censorship, destruction of a career and all sorts of negative reactions. The media sometimes filters out articles to prevent flak

The reporter was not afraid of getting Flak for her article called Rape Woman Matter. It was originally written for mass media but ended up being dictated on a youtube.com video because it would not be printed or aired in the mass media because it was too controversial and would trigger a lot of negative responses by people in the rape culture.

by mlhiss December 16, 2019


Nonono, you want to bitch about the "Indirect insults" while ignoring the fact that I've been perpetually insulted INDIRECTLY by the shit you've been saying and they shit you've been saying doesn't really coincide with my localized sphere or reality.

Hym "Really, I'm taking a lot of flak for not affirming your values. Everyone but be just does what you wants and is either someone sycophantic follower or they just don't watch the content. My values just so happen to be the antithesis to your values."

by Hym Iam August 2, 2023

PMS Flak

Emotional sobbing shared with a female significant other around the time of her period. Both parties unfold feelings and the depth of their hearts. This is seen as an unmanly embarrassment.

I went to hang out with my girlfriend and got caught into some PMS Flak. We watched the notebook afterwards.

by TJcommander October 13, 2011


a certain type of warrior that harneses flak to stay alive and is willing to do anything to get to it. see flak for more information

The flak-mongrol destroyed the innocent child for it's flak.

by albus dumpledore January 15, 2008