Source Code

Forty dog

A 40 oz bottle of beer or malt liquor. The term is commonly used in the American South.

Hey man, lets go get some forty dogs and watch the game.

by Deerman84 August 20, 2005

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Semper Fortis

A common but unofficial motto of the US Navy. Semper Fortis actually translates 2 ways; "Always Powerful" and Always Courageous".

I saw an incorrect translation of a term my father held dear to his heart; much like a marine would hold "Semper Fidelis" close to theirs, so im correcting it in hopes of spreading knowledge. My father was a Navy Corps man in Vietnam. Was a POW for 19 months "unofficially". Get facts & research BEFORE posting publicly people! ๐Ÿ˜

"Semper Fortis 'til our dying breath! Corps man Up, Doc!"

by LadyKatarina June 11, 2017

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forty ounce

a forty ounce bottle/can of beer, usually malt liquor

"i just gave you the definition of forty ounce, you don't need a friggin example"

by cream of sumyungay September 18, 2005

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Anyone who digs in the ground or mines, specifically in search of something buried. Can be more loosely used to include digging for other reasons. Variations include forty-nining and forty-nined, et al.

Look, ma! That dirty forty-niner just dug himself up some pirates booty!

I was going to go forty-nining at the beach today, but I read that those areas have all been forty-nined already.

by Scoot Bro May 22, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tamponulous Forti

Line breaks: Tamp|on|u|lous For|ti

Pronunciation: /tamponulous fษ”rti/

Definition of Tamponulous Forteye in English:

When a tampon is lodged inside a vagina for an extended period of time the material begins to expand, to this end the tampon can become structurally integral to said vagina. attempt to remove can cause severe vaginal discomfort.

MASS NOUN: A severe case of Tamponulous Forti.

Origin: Roman Latin
Latin is a member of the Italic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. After the decline of the Roman Empire it continued to be a medium of communication among educated people throughout the Middle Ages in Europe and elsewhere, and remained the liturgical language of the Roman Catholic Church until the reforms of the second Vatican Council (1962-5); it is still used for scientific names in biology and astronomy. The Romance languages are derived from it.


Don't leave that in for too long Janet, or you will get Tamponulous Forti. "remember last time Janet"
She left it in there so long it turned to stone, worst case of Tamponulous Forti i ever saw

by G4ndhi December 3, 2015


In "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," the ultra-computer, "Deep Thought," is asked to give "the meaning of Life, The Universe and Everything." After a very long time calculating, Deep Thought declares the answer is "Forty-Two," which mystifies everyone.

Douglas Adams, the author of the "Hitchhiker" series, was familiar with computer programming. The symbol for a "wild card" -- a value that can be whatever the programmer desires and/or what the program needs to run -- is the "asterisk," which is this symbol * , sometimes called the "star" symbol."

In the American Standard Code for Instructional Interchange, or "ASCII," the "asterisk" is symbol number "42." Thus, "42" became a programmers' inside joke meaning "whatever you want it to be." Deep Thought could have said given its answer as, "anything" or "whatever you want it to be," but being a computer, it gave the ASCII code number, instead.

"I have an answer," Deep Thought said, "though I don't think you're going to like it."
"What is it?" asked the mice?

"The answer is....is...is...Forty-Two!"

Vroomfondle asked, "Is that it? What is THAT supposed to mean?"

Programmer 1: I'm going out for a burger, you want something?

Programmer 2: Sure.

Programmer 1: Okay, what do you want.

Programmer 2: Oh, I'm not sure. Get me Forty-Two.

by The Third Jay Guy January 27, 2019

The Forty Five

A new style flat brim cap that the brim flips up in the front to a 45 degree angle. This street/moto/skate look is becoming the rage on the west coast.

The Forty Five that bro's wearing is hella sik yo!

by Vettie01 January 5, 2011