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a word to describe people who actually think about what is right in american politics

i am liberal and proud of it

by bob April 18, 2005

1363πŸ‘ 818πŸ‘Ž


A better choice than conservative, as Liberals actual want the world to get out of this shitty condition.

Damn, I hope that fuckwit Bush is replaced by a Liberal in 2004. If not, I might have to move to Mexico.

by Johnny Rocketfingers September 23, 2003

1318πŸ‘ 792πŸ‘Ž


1. A man or woman with a university education
2. Politically savvy and genuinely patriotic, as opposed to the uninformed jingoism of the conservative right

Liberals are responsible for all that is sane and rational. Conservatives are paranoid racists and jesus freaks.

by jayque October 18, 2003

1310πŸ‘ 783πŸ‘Ž


Pot smoking hippies.

Bill clinton

by CONSERVATIVE November 14, 2003

5571πŸ‘ 3436πŸ‘Ž


Someone who chooses a happier existence by way of not being insulted by every single thing other than him/herself.

Does being pissed off at Paganism and homosexuality make you happy? Or does it just make you pissed off? Liberals have mastered the ancient art of accepting things and MOVING ON WITH THEIR LIVES! Try it sometime...

by Some unbathed baby-killing Pagan...Yes, people like that exist! DEAL WITH IT!!! May 5, 2006

543πŸ‘ 321πŸ‘Ž


Pejorative and dismissive term used by self titled patriots to collectively refer to all that is wrong with the world and any individual or group who does not agree with them.
1). Euphemism: frequently applied in instances where the user would prefer to use more derogative racial, religious and class slurs but is afraid to reveal their true beliefs publicly.
2). Political: Applied to all opposing belief systems that do not priorly qualify for inclusion under the definition of pure evil. (See: Other Nations).
3). Religious: applied to groups or individuals that do not demonstratively subscribe to any or all of the holy trinity or Guns, Gold and God. (Refer: Godless Liberals).
4). Education: Applied to anyone who uses words such as demonstratively (Refer: Educated Liberal Elite).
5). Civil rights: Applied to anyone or organisation seeking to restrict the inalienable conservative right to discriminate against, deny liberty to or restrict personal freedoms of those they don’t like, disagree with or fear. (Hist: Afro Americans, Mexicans, Homosexuals).

Rest of World (See: Unamerican)
Liberal: Noun: Individual of liberal views.
Origin Middle English via old French (see: pure evil) from Latin Liberalis, from Liber meaning Free (man).
Mass Noun: Liberality: open to new ideas and free from prejudice.
Verb: Liberalise: Loosen or remove restrictions on a society, economy or political system.
Adjective: Broaden general knowledge; Generous measure or distribution.

President Hussein Obama is a liberal (see uses 1 through 5).

Rest of world.
The US, England and France are liberal democracies.

by Gormful June 8, 2010

592πŸ‘ 347πŸ‘Ž


noun: A person who, because of a brilliantly ineffectual two-party system, has been made out as the "enemy of democracy" in the minds of those currently in power. Every vicious, hateful post against these people (and against conservatives) helps take our minds off of the real ills of society so that we may feel like we're doing good by hating SOMETHING.

Bill: We should fight poverty.
Jim: Yeah, but you wouldn't know how, because you're a stupid pot-smoking hippie naive liberal.
Bill: Well you're a heartless selfish conservative, and I hate your views!
Jim: I hate your views too!
Bill: Well, I feel better about fighting poverty now.

by SamsonIII July 26, 2005

2883πŸ‘ 1789πŸ‘Ž