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(noun) The confusion created when ones mind overrides the body's desire to beat or choke the living crap out of someone who desperately needs it

girl: the teacher gave us so much homework, its stressin me out

boy: go beat her then

girl: my body wants to but my brain screems NOOO!!!!

by absentminded874 December 3, 2009

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Pre-stress stress

The stress you have about the stress you're going to have later on in time.

Me starting the semester, looking at the syllabus and realizing ill have something due every week. Im already having pre-stress stress about it.

by THE_BOULDER March 3, 2019


The confusion created when ones mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living shit out of some arsehole who desperately needs it.

Your stress reaction to seeing Jessica Black on youtube

by Sandfluffymama April 25, 2011

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The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to actually save itself.

I'm in so much stress over my midterm, I just can't function.

by angelcb007 November 22, 2010

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when the mind overrides the body's desire to kick the living crap outta some moron that desperatly deserves it

being so stressed that you want to slap someone but you decide not to

by Disney_freak December 5, 2009

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stress goggles

when finals sneak up on unwitting college students, libraries, study rooms and coffee shops (wherever they have free wifi to satisfy facebook addiction) start to fill up to the brim with college students with their books and notes, a curious thing occurs.
People around you will suddenly become more and more attractive the closer you get to finals, even when they are stylishly unkempt or reeking of red bull and cigarettes. This anomalous phenomenon can be attributed to many factors; procrastination induced horniness, sudden onset of booksmarts causing a sharp drop in common sense, or all that adderall, caffiene, taurine, nicotine suddenly kicking in at the same time to create a clusterfuck of bad ideas.
This, my educated friends, is stress goggles. Just like its early october counterpart - Beer goggles, stress goggles turn bad ideas into good ideas and gives courage to the truly dimwitted. After fifteen redbulls, two tabs of addy, and a pack of marlboros, the only bad decision is an unmade one.
Upon discovery of symptoms such as lusting after unattractive members of the opposite sex, licking things that normally shouldn't be licked, breaking the three second rule, a good friend must properly restrain to the sufferer, so no one actually gets hurt. Real friends don't let real friends hook up before finals.
Just like beer goggles, the next day can be filled with regret after sleeping off all the uppers.

below is an actual documented conversation:

1. dude i think i'm in love man, i never knew i liked brunettes, but she's really somethin else man
2. ok first of all, that's a dude. take it easy on the redbulls
1. you know what? love knows no boundaries, and gender is a boundary, i say screw society and screw this paper i have to write!
2. dude you've got the stress goggles like the biznitch. calm the fuck down or you'll wake up regrettin it tomorrow.
1. thanks man i knew i could count on you

by UCDPWNS December 2, 2010

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Stress Beard

The beard that guys grow during midterms or finals period when they're too busy or too stressed to shave.

Finals period is over! I can finally shave my stress beard!

by Finals free December 14, 2010