A carpet cleaning company based in Champaign, IL. They have been working since 2002.
Wow my carpets are reallly fucking dirty. Who should i call?......The Cleveland Steamers!!!!
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When a man takes a shit on a girl's chest after or when they are having sex.
Cleveland Steamer: The man gets on top of the girl and takes a shit on her chest. Simple as that.
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Oh, come on. You all know it's when you take a shit on a girls chest and slide it around.
You know what would be funny? If they made a sports team called the Cleveland Steamers.
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To take a dump on the chest of your sexual partner.
No one knows the actual origin of this word. Most think it is because there is a brown stripe on the orange helmet of the Cleveland Browns. However, a lesser known cult leader arrested in 1990 became synonymous with the act when he told his wife to drain their tub and remain inside, laying down. Jeffery Lundgren, leader of the kirkland cult, then got in the tub. He squatted over her and took a dump. Upon the cult members' arrests in 1990, Southeast of Cleveland his wife reported this act to police, among other maltreatment and abuse suffered at his hands. Jeffery Lundgren was executed in 2006 for killing an entire family and a few other crimes. Some cult members including his wife are still in prison today for these crimes.
After the cults arrest, the property owner of the home where the cult stayed took possession back of his property, after receiving only 2 mos rent. Upon entering the property he found a 1ft thick pile of poop in his basement among other things that gave validity to the claims made by Lundgren's wife.
The term Cleveland Steamer was then first documented in 1995 on a website called Usenet and then used again on a Family Guy episode in 1999. It then became the most popular way to refer to crapping on someone's chest during sex. This is the true origin for the phrase.
I found out that b*t*h cheated on me so I gave her a Cleveland Steamer and left.
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Name of a gourmet steamed hotdog at Nate's in Calgary. Kinda like a Michigan but with fried onions.
Hey buddy, want to go grab a Cleveland steamer?
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Quickly heating the female orifice to be used as a fornication semen receptacle. Best employed rhetorically.
Microwaving or boiling a synthetic female orifice for life altering masturbation.
After she saw him the the first time last night Steve seemingly could do nothing to arouse her. After blowing smoke up her ass he tried the cleveland steamer to make her receptive to his planned penetration. Smoke, steam, cajoling... none of these would distract her from laughing about his penis.
Bobby read on the interweb the gelatinous tube with the tight tunnel would feel as good as fucking the orifice of a real woman. Not bothering with the instructions he boiled his masturbation toy to "heat it up for that realistic feel". After he returned home from the hospital he never gave device assisted masturbation another thought even after the skin grafts to his penis fully recovered. His parents gave his internet connection the cleveland steamer treatment with PfSense.
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A steamer made in Cleveland, Ohio.
I steamed yummy veggies with this Cleveland Steamer. It works much better than my imported steamer
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