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waluigism priest

A person who has devoted their entire being in to the practice of Waluigism, also known as that kid Lucca, who brought his Waluigi shrine to summer camp.

The Waluigism Priest shall now sacrafice a Nintendo 3DS to Waluigi, ALL HAIL THE GREAT GOD WALUIGI!

by InternetIdiot2 June 21, 2020

Slut Priest

A slut that is so immaculate that they call him a slut priest. A slut priest will laugh towards the heavens when their dirty deeds are done.

Dillon: Did you see Father David yesterday. I swear that that guy is a fucking slut priest.

Kyle: Ya i know I just want to deck that slut priest right in his Full crescent.

Dillon. After the service Father David was laughing towards the sky. What a weird bastard. I hope he burns!

by TheSlutPriest May 19, 2011

Judas Priest

Judas Priest is without a fucking doubt THEE Greatest Fucking Band ever! 5 guys with talent, You got K.K. Downing and Glenn Tipton, the twin guitarists, Ian Hill, the silent Bassiet, Scott Travis, The speed king, and Rob Halford, the Metal God. The genre is mixed with, Metal, Speed Metal, Hard Rock, and Classic! In 1993 Halford left the band and then returned 10 years later, what a moment in metal, anyways it was awsome. There back and the made another album just 3 years ago and right now there working on a new one and I'm so psyched of getting it. Judas Priest are legend. They saved metal's ass when punk was ruling the world, they threw aside what wasn't metal, and if you think thier done, You've Got Another Thing Coming!

Judas Priest made kick ass metal albums such as
British Steel
Screaming For Vengence
Sad Wings of Destiny
Sin After Sin
Hell Bent For Leather
Defenders of the Faith
Angel of Retribution

by Alan Massacre April 17, 2008

143πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

catholic priest

A word for which the acronym is CP.

That catholic priest was watching CP on his PC

by Lollerc0a5t3r February 15, 2011

718πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž

Judas Priest

Good stuff.

Judas Priest is good stuff.

by faggot sucker July 10, 2003

387πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Priest kink

Something egg has.

β€œDid you see that thayne guy i definitely have a Priest Kink for him lol’

β€˜Egg this is a funeral’

by FatAlfredFatFattyFat June 4, 2021

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Whiskey Priest

Any person, but usually directed at somebody with authority, who doesn't practice what they preach.

"Does your dad let you drink?"
"No, he's a total whiskey priest. He says drinking is bad, but he's got a bottle of Jack under his pillow."

by billmaynard December 22, 2009