noun- a person who commits a thumbs-up photo bomb; typically the photo-bomb is overshadowed by a later and more funny event, such as a runaway horse that disappears into the forest, rider's fate unknown but with a 99.99% chance said person is OK. Pronounced /ˈvidēō/ /ˈro͞oinər/
I'm filming a garden party, so please get out of the way video ruiner. You are a video ruiner. Stop being a video ruiner. I wish you could be a better video ruiner.
Edel is a sleepover ruins she makes the fun into boring stuff (so sad )
Edel is a sleepover ruiner
A friend or relative who always manages to make a dumbass comment on your Facebook status and ruin the effect.
Man, Jackie is such a status ruiner. Every time I post a witty status she links a YouTube video that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
Quite simply, a person who ruins a thing. May be a person who kills a joke, or simply is just an overall buzzkill. When someone ruins a thing in a group of friends, it is the responsibility of the rest of the group to point and shout "thing ruiner,' to let him or her know of his or her error.
Me and my bros were listing the greatest rappers of all time, and my friend yelled out OJ da Juice man.. We had no choice to all simultaneously yell out "thing ruiner"