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A bimbo who will follow the latest fashion, wot eva it looks like, and doesnt care who they hurt aslong as its not themselves

"trendy spraking" oh i jus love that tracksuit, daddy buy it 4 me.

by sk8ter. August 25, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trendy's are the one group of people who actually look NICE these days. They have realised that looking grungy and dirty isnt good and also that socks over pants is BAD!
Male trendy is usually very good looking with spikey (preferably blonde) hair. He wears ripped jeans, good trainers or even shoes on occasion with a t-shirt with either a slogan, label or arty (often naked lady) on the front. He wears silver jewellery but in moderation, not over blinged like a chav You will usually spot him with several girls flocking around him
Female trendy is again usually very attractive with long hair, always neat and in the latest style. They wear jeans or denim skirts with small navel bearing tops, bags and shoes ALWAYS match the outfit and again they wear a sensible amount of jewellery. They generally recieve lots of wolf whistles from passing vehicles and building sites
Trendys are the group that really dont have any grievances against other groups in society, ie; moshers, goths, chavs

"ooh, look at that gorgeous guy at the bar, he's dressed well, very trendy"

by the way it is May 11, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trendys - originating from the word "trend". "Trendys" think that:
1)They are super cool
2)Everyone loves them
3)They are gorgeous
They usually wear a think layer of make-up and fake breasts.
The lesser trendys are also associated with townies
Often use "ned" like words, see also neds

trendy "check my titties.... arent they pure bonnie like?"

ned "aye, theyr'e pure dead bonnie like, check that shilberto that just walked past..."

trendy "merh merh merh... BONNIE ONES!!"

by Bill February 28, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lot of the entrys for this are funny, but sad.

Seriously looking at rantlike definitions from certain people suggests the people you call "trendies" are complete scum or something. When they really aren't, the lads know how to go out and have a laugh around town without hurting ANYONE and the ladies are fun as well, and not slutty or whatever bitter crap you fling at them.

ok as you can tell I would consider myself part of this "group" myself, my dress seems to conform to a lot of the most thumbs up'ed entrys here, and yeah (I'm female by the way) I wear a lot of makeup and care about apearance and stuff but isn't looking nice a good thing?

Seriously you geeks (yes i will use that word) who bitch about us on the net (Ive searched on google and urbandictionary is not the only place) dont know what you're on about. Just because some guy probably pushed you around when you were 13 doesnt mean the popular streetwise-looking lads at uni and college are going to do the same. Ive seen a lot of trendies approach people who dress "alt" or whatever the term is with an actual interest in what music they like and shit, you know, being FRIENDLY.

And yes. We do listen to mainstream music, I listen to things like the Arctic Monkeys and other British indie stuff, its cool, but when did "mainstream" become a dirty word anyway? if you have literaly millions of people on your side listening to the same stuff how is that a bad thing? do you need to be "underground" to prove you have a personality or what? I've got no time for bitter geeks saying "dubious sexual morals" are bad things either, who the fuck are they to judge anyway? If in your late teens and early 20's you can't have fun in that way then when can you?

To me what you call "trendies" are just normal student people who just wanna have fun and be students. Ive been on the net enough times to know all about "furries" and anime obsession and all that weird shit, and I know what group i'm happy to be in.

Lighten up. Some of you should try talking to "us" or something. OR at the very least do this bitching to a trendies face and not online, cause I had no idea popular people who dressed smart-casual and knew how to have fun were dissed behind the cover of the net. It stinks of bitterness and past bullying from the school rugby lot to me but, whatev.

This definition is a reply back from our perspective.

Peace x

What must happen:

"alt" kid: Look there's some trendy, lets walk past him quietly and avoid eye contact then go on the internet and bitch about their clothes and shit where he can't argue back or express his view.

by KimC December 28, 2007

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Adj. A way to describe a homosexual; a gay. word used to describe someone that is in the closet but dresses unusualy flamboyant.

Dude, Jeff started to come onto me out after talking about all of the girls he met last night, he is a lot more trendy then I thought.

Alex' dressing really trending and it is starting to make me curious about his orientation.

by mike69113 October 15, 2007

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.... See

does it need an example ...

by Rufus May 26, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


erm,kind of difficult to explain.as trendie'ness' is found in all or most of us.I dont think that it is really very fair saying,a person wearing all of the latest 'paul and shark' gear is trendy,yes,they are,but a rocker has also followed a trend thru what they are wearing/listening to,unless they are able to make there own true original style,which,is a bit challenging in this day and age without looking/feeling completely silly.i use the word to describe people who'm wear and listen to,all of the latest,fashionable things.but this isnt really politically correct.most nu-metal fans or,people whom have recently jumped into the rock/alternative scene are,in my eyes,waywaywayway more trendie than somebody whom has always wore the latest fashions,this shows that they are easily influenced by what everyone else is doing,but,i rocker would never admit to being trendy,because it gos against what they believe in (or have been believing in,since they first heard the off-spring in 2003),and therefore,trendy.the person at the bottom of this page,or just above this post has the right idea................i think

easily influenced by your peers.
want to blend in with the masses/or your group of friends.
ooh,i like that trendy t-shirt/hair cut,ill get it my self.

by paul sproey May 15, 2004

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