The game that will make you say;
Life? What life?!?!
Person 1: Dude, I just hit level 90 on my Troll.
Person 2: You need to go outside man.
Person 1: But, I am the world of warcraft.
A place where if you don't have over 5.5 gearscore you don't get to go into any raids, and if you aren't a tank, you don't get into any random dungeons. And a place where people QQ.
LF1M range dps, Icc25, Shaman needed(BL), 5.5gs + pst with achieve.
Trade Chat: WTS Random H's 50g per person.
Only World of Warcraft players would get this.
Probably THE best MMORPG on the market today, and will continue to be for some time. It has a great combination of PVE/PVP content and is updated fairly consistently. The next expansion is due out (hopefully) sometime this year.
The one killing flaw of this game, however, is the community; it's the reason nobody's bothered curing cancer. You will NEVER find a ruder, more condescending group of arrogant, elitist jackholes than in WoW, and on any WoW-related message boards in particular. You ask a simple question, and a dozen of them start blasting you for something completely unrelated, such as the quality of your gear. Of course that's assuming you even get a MEANINGFUL response from them to begin with.
In-game is hit-or-miss, too. You'll find plenty of decent people that play casually most of the time, but other times you'll either have to deal with some pipsqueak 10-year-old with a microphone or one of the elitist jackholes above; both take the game WAY too seriously, and both will make you wish there were laws that keep these kinds of people from breeding.
You want an example? Go to the World of Warcraft boards at , pick a realm, and lurk around. You'll want to play some polish roulette immediately afterwards.
28๐ 13๐
World of Warcraft is THE most addicting game EVER, but doesn't completely take away your life until you start playing 5h+ a day. I personally have played it for over a year. When you first get WoW it seems really exciting, but as you continue pllaying I found it became quite tedious.
I recently stopped playing. Last year I was a complete nerd, had no friends, yet managed acheiving high A's in all my subjects. I noticed when I stopped playing as much my social skills improved and I even got a bf, but i'm now failing 2 subjects(0.o)
That said wow effects diff ppl in diff ways and you shouldn't go just on one person's expirience to decide if you want to play or not
Around the time I started playing, a man died for playing World of Warcraft for 72 hours strait without sleep, hydration, or nuetrition
26๐ 11๐
1. The most addicting MMO since Everquest.
2. My current addiction.
Why spend loads of cash on crack when you can waste it on world of warcraft?
If MMOs were in High School, world of warcraft is the school's future homecoming king.
155๐ 89๐
The most addictive thing you will ever encounter. The definitions you read on here are NOT bullshit, within 6 hours of playing you will be addicted. I started playing 3 months ago, forunatly about a month ago i noticed what was happening and now i only play casually (casually is still a lot, 1.5-3 hours a day). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME UNLESS YOU HAVE TREMENDOUS SELF CONTROL! I am not joking, this is the truth, please take on my advice, dont let it suck you in! Common symptoms for players:
You will lose your girlfriend, You will lose your friends, You will get constant headaches for staring at a PC screen for 18 hours a day, you will get back pain due to that posture how you sit down while playing. You will start failing your exams, you will gain weight, you will have a face full of acne, you will never have sex, you wont be able to concentrate, you will be willing to pay upwards of $3000 for a 9/9 tier 3 armour set, you will make it your lifes ambition to get full tier 3 and rank 14, basically... you have just wasted your life....
Remeber, if you are to start playing, make sure, that under no circumstance, you play more than 3 hours a day!
<WoW player>: ZOMG, i have just got level 70 on my human warrior and a flying netherdrake mount, including highest PvP rank and full teir 4 armour, i am the best player on world of warcraft realms
<normal guy>: Do you even relise that it is all just code and none of it exists in real life? 7 million losers might play WoW, but 7 BILLION people play REAL LIFE!!!
201๐ 122๐
A Way To Keep Your Childs virginity safe at 15 dollars a month
Mother:Why Is Cindy crying?
Father: Timmy called and cancelled their date he must have World Of Warcraft
29๐ 13๐