An version of paintball created for city dwellers who either can't find a field or can't get out of town. Therefore they use smaller, less powerful guns that leave no mess.
Airsoft is a smaller no-mess version of paintball for people who can't get to a paintball field.
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Airsoft - The Military Simulation
activity, or sport, in which you, a player, a players, or a personells, shoot, fire, or launch plastic ball projectiles that are approximately 6mm in diameter, and weight .20 grams to .5 grams, with fake firearms, at middle aged men who have nothing to do with their sad lives.
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This describes one who poses as a tough guy but with highly realistic air pistols.
Big Tony liked to show his collection of Airsoft gunslinger pistols to gullible dates.
Cisco from the airsoft company Airsoft G.I. is the true airsoft daddy
Do you know the airsoft Daddy Cisco?
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An airsoft faggot is a pathetic, grown-ass man who plays "milsim", but really just uses that as an excuse to play dress up and ass around the woods pretending to be something he'll never be. He will spend literal thousands of dollars to buy the same gear actual soldiers wear in combat so he can look cool on social media for his other airsoft faggot friends. Extreme cases may wear unearned unit patches in attempts at winning cool points from other equally pathetic airsoft faggots.
He wears MultiCam combat pants everywhere as if he's some off-duty Delta operator, and inserts military slang into everyday conversation, despite having no clue what the terms actually mean. He loves the camera, and will waste no opportunity to pose for it all kitted up.
He will even go so far as to tell ACTUAL COMBAT VETERANS that their shooting stance, grip pattern, or cheek weld on a weapon is "wrong", with no service credentials of his own. When others call out his habit of pretend play, he resorts to personal attacks. Even the airsoft faggot knows he has no justification to be an adult playing dress-up.
He doesn't have the balls to actually sign up for the military and will get very butthurt if you suggest he should. He lacks the discipline to commit himself to a lifetime of meaningful service. This is because he is a CHICKENSHIT COWARD WANNABE.
If you shoot plastic BBs at kids while dressing up in gear to pretend you're a soldier, you're probably an airsoft faggot.
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Replica of a real firearm that fires 6mm plastic bb's. Began in the 1980s in Japan. Most common density types for bb's include, .12, .20, .23, .25, and .30.
Airsoft guns broken into 3 major catagories:
Spring-Powered: Very simple airsoft design where the user pulls back a handle to load and lock back a spring. Spring tension is released when the trigger is pulled. Very simple, usually the cheapest way to get into airsoft. Prices can range from $5-$150. Mostly maintanance-free because it is commonly cheaper to just replace the whole replica.
AEG (Automatic Electric Gun): Not to be confused with cheap WalMart electric guns, AEGs of high quality usually consist of some or all metal bodies and metal gearboxes. (explain gearboxes later). Most common type of airsoft gun on the fields, quality AEGs can range in price from $100-$1,000+. Fire 6mm bb's at velocities usually from 250 fps (feet per second)-500 fps. Most fields have a limit to 400 fps. They run off rechargable batteries stored inside an open area in the body, usually the stock or handguard.
Gas: The 3rd most common type of airsoft gun are gas guns. They are in two catagories, NBB (Non-BlowBack) and GBB (Gas BlowBack). They funcion off of propellants that are basicly propane with silicone lubricant. Blow back is a realistic function where the gas is also used to force back the slide to reload and add realism to the replica. Price ranges from $50-$300. Gas guns are much easier to maintain than AEGs in many cases.
Gearboxes or mechboxes are the mechanical systems inside AEGs to propel the bb out of the airsoft gun. They can be made of plastic, but easily break, metal ones are much more reliable. They are a very compact, complex system of many moving parts including 3 main gears, an anti-reversal latch, piston, spring, air nozzle, and many other components. Most of the time it is recommended to have a professional repair or upgrade the gearbox. There are many different models to fit different AEG replicas; version 2, 3, 6, and 8 are usually the most common types.
In my opinion, airsoft guns are definitly not the same as paintball guns, but they are way more fun and cool. They also are very similar to the real firearm, for a much lower price, so people can own somthing fun to shoot, and still look like their favorite firearm for a much lower price. Paintball guns leave a mess to clean up, but do mark someone out, airsoft is an honor system game.
No matter what there will always people who hate airsoft guns, and people who will always love airsoft guns.
Cool person 1: Did you hear? Airsoft guns are starting to catch on more in America!
Cool person 2: Yeah! airsoft is so awesome i dont see why paintballers are such whiny dicks about it all the time...
Random Paintballer fag: FUCK ALL YOU AIRSOFTING CUNTS!!!
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The largest and most popular Canadian forum on the topic of airsoft. Widely regarded as one of the most complete archive of related subjects and a large group of active and knowledgeable members.
Also the source of much internet drama, because 14 year olds can't wrap their heads around the specific particularities of airsoft in Canada. The legal issues have prompted the community to defend their hobby by enforcing a country wide ban of the prolification of minor ownership of guns.
Since the forum has been around since almost a decade, a lot of issues have been discussed over and over, thus a quick search is recommended before asking a question, as should be customary in any forums.
Many people, specifically minors, have a hard time adapting to the etiquette if the forum, thus post butthurt articles on urban dictionary to get an e-high, thinking we give a shit.
FAQ off!
Airsoft Canada: "Uh, no? Here's a link that explains why guns are hard to find in Canada, here's one on the procedure to have access to the classifieds, here's one to the games..."
2 day old newbie: "WAAAAMBULANCE!!!1!"
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