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beaver bustin

when a large number of people go out (usually dorks who want to act cool,) and try to get "laid", mostly ends up in a severly lowered ego

person 1: hey wad up dude wanna come out beaver bustin tonite and get some booty!
person 2:dude who with ?
person 1:me and a coulpe of night elfs
person 2:sure im up for it just after i complete that quest.

by thehdog February 25, 2011

Bustin a grumpy

Farting a sweaty, disgusting, sad sounding, shittyass, poop out of your and/vagina
or its just taking a sweaty shit

The other day in art class i be bustin a grumpy so bad that everyone around me had to leave the room and it was later put under quarantine.

by tubbsmcgee101 October 2, 2008

6👍 2👎

bustin' commies

refers to the act of repairing computers in a quick manner.

Kyle: How many computers you working on?
Kenny: Eh, I finished about 4-5.
Kyle: Man, you were bustin' commies.
Kenny: Damn straight.

by kennethham August 7, 2006

6👍 2👎

bustin justin

the biggest clout chaser of the century (doesn’t actually have clout)

you’re being a bustin justin. you’re not special.

by sheriden lois’s December 17, 2018

6👍 1👎

bustin slobs

Bustin slobs means kissing..... making out. Its that simple. The phrase has something to do with slobber, but how it started I don't know.

1) Last night met up with another internet slut, we busted slobs for a while but got no coochie.

2) We were in the back seat, bustin slobs, thowin stem, and a friggin pig came along and broke up the party.

by Ezeerider July 10, 2005

14👍 6👎

side bustin'

Trying to be in something you don't need to be in, like popping in the side when someone is having their picture taken.

Kacie was side bustin' in Brenda and Liz's picture.

by KEN<3BARBIE October 12, 2006

28👍 14👎

bustin beeber

a new form of sex were the male participant sings bad pop songs with an apple in his ass whale fucking a woman in her ear. then after eats 5 burritos from taco bell whale masturbating at said taco bell and reading from the bible

hey honey I want to do a bustin beeber tonight

by guð er dáinn við drápum hann February 8, 2018

13👍 7👎