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slutty women's Halloween costume formula

A formula which can be applied in order to make any Halloween costume, regardless of how plain or innocent, slutty enough to be given the "sexy" title by the Halloween costume industry. The formula, from the shoes up, goes as follows: fuck-me pumps or heels, stockings, a short skirt or booty shorts, and a top to indicate what the wearer is supposed to be dressed as. Accessories are optional.

To make a sexy police officer costume, we can apply the slutty women's Halloween costume formula: black fuck-me pumps, fishnet stockings, a blue miniskirt, and a blue button-up blouse with a police badge.
To make a sexy maid: black fuck-me heels, black stockings, black miniskirt, and a white apron.

by Ronny teh Pir8 October 12, 2008

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National Dino costume day

It is a national holiday

Person 1: why are you dressed up Halloween is in 2 days.

Person 2: c’mon it’s national Dino costume day

by Guess what chicken butt πŸ”₯😎 October 26, 2019

Man in the costume

Figuratively it refers to a well known truth behind some concept (for example, "santa isnt real") that we collectively decide to ignore, because it ruins the fun.

It's in reference to mascot costumes worn by some poor soul to appease the masses, for example the underpaid part-timers staffing the costumes at disneyland

It's like, as a kid, pulling the "no, you didint just kill me cause we are just pretending" card when playing pretend on a playground

Alternatively, man behind the mask

Weeb A: you do know that most weebs are ironic about waifus, right? Only a relatively small amount of weebs actually think stuff like "this fictional high schooler is the love of my life".
Weeb B: Can we please stop talking about the man in the costume and get back to arguing about which underage girl is hotter?

by oan124 September 19, 2022

costume rock

trendy bands like My Chemical Romance who substitute "style" for substance by wearing ridiculous matching outfits...i.e. marching band uniforms circa 1930

costume rock is lame

by Devin Hurley December 30, 2008

Hall Costume

A costume you wear to a Science Fiction Convention, ComicCon, or other event just to wear around the halls of the event. You have no plan to enter the costume in a contest (though you might be asked to if they don't have enough participants).

This is just my Space Ranger Flight Suit, a black jumpsuit with a couple of patches on it. I'd never wear this Hall Costume in the Masquerade Contest.

by Ozzie321 August 28, 2019

National Inflatable Costume Day

May 14th: Dress up in an inflatable costume for a day!

"why are you wearing that"
"bro its national inflatable costume day!"

by o3trapstar March 5, 2023

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[cock costume]

Someone who is an idiot. It was said after someone called me an ass hat. They deserved it because they are a cock costume.

You are such a cock costume for using the word ass hat.

by casemaster September 4, 2008