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Courage Of The Year

A competition between friends where an award is given out, generally to the person who had sex with the most questionable person that year

Tony won courage of the year in 2017 for having sex with a Tijuana prostitute

by BIGSKUUB December 29, 2022

Camera Courage

The bravado and enhanced abilities that an athlete acquires when they are being filmed or photographed.

"Wow! There is no way I could have done that without a little camera courage!"

by JDMCG May 17, 2006

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email courage

1. The uncanny ability to act tough and hard nosed while composing an email and then not have the backbone (balls) to do anything about the subject matter while in person or in a meeting.

2. Sending cc emails to anyone in order to prove a point, asking idiotic questions with poor grammar, Exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!

Dave is such a poseur, he is full of email courage and then kisses Scott's ass in the hallway.

by mecicon February 24, 2008

courageous flatulence

A loud (often foul) retort to an unwarranted accusation.

Mellisa accused me of checking out her bff. While she was in middle of her tirade I answered her with courageous flatulence. She was left stunned, disgusted. The conversation concluded, the day won.

by Shakesmear May 12, 2022

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liquid courage

Any alcoholic beverage that turns a person mean, brave or excited.

Named for the instant burst of courage (and often stupidity) that comes from drinking it.

Before I stomp a mudhole in this dude's ass, I'm gonna need some liquid courage.

by Denis Baldwin February 3, 2004

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facebook courage

when a person will say something on facebook about someone but wouldnt say it to their face in fear of the consequences, usually sent to people who live a considerable driving distance away so that retribution wouldnt be worth the drive to seek the person out.

did you hear nathaniel talking so harshly to matt last night on facebook. That was some real facebook courage because if matt were still over here he would definately whoop some ass

by moviebuff matt September 3, 2010

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suitcase of courage

A ridiculous metaphor used by certain individuals of an English descent to describe a phenomenal performance on a bicycle. It is typically only used by those who have zero grasp on reality, and are in complete denial that the truth means anything to them personally.

Punctuated typically by the use of the incorrect name of the individual being referred to, and usually corrected by a sidekick.

Lance Armstrong is digging deep in his suitcase of courage to drop whathisforeignsoundingnamethatIcan'tpronounce" "Wait Phil, that's not Lance, that's Floyd Landis

by UCI Overlord June 7, 2011

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